PHP Malware Analysis


md5: be5b1f335ce6cb1ea2e7fae1a47538ac

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Deobfuscated PHP code

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <link rel="icon" type="image/jpg" href="" /> <meta property="og:image" content="" /> <meta name="description" content="Aku Vs Pacarmu" /> <meta name='' keywords'' content='' Alf404'' /> <meta name='' author'' content='' Alf404'' /> <title>Hacked By RegiGans01</title> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body bgcolor="black"> <style type="text/css"> html, body, h1 { padding: 0; margin: 0; font-family: ''Montserrat'', sans-serif; } #app { background: #0a0a0a; height: 100vh; width: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background: linear-gradient(rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.6), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)), repeating-linear-gradient(0, transparent, transparent 2px, black 3px, black 3px), url(""); background-size: cover; background-position: center; z-index: 1; } #wrapper { text-align: center; } .sub { color: #64dcdc; letter-spacing: 1em; } /* Our mixin positions a copy of our text directly on our existing text, while also setting content to the appropriate text set in the data-text attribute. */ .glitch { position: relative; color: white; font-size: 3em; letter-spacing: .5em; /* Animation provies a slight random skew. Check bottom of doc for more information on how to random skew. */ animation: glitch-skew 1s infinite linear alternate-reverse; } .glitch::before { content: attr(data-text); position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; left: 2px; text-shadow: -2px 0 #ff00c1; /* Creates an initial clip for our glitch. This works in a typical top,right,bottom,left fashion and creates a mask to only show a certain part of the glitch at a time. */ clip: rect(44px, 450px, 56px, 0); /* Runs our glitch-anim defined below to run in a 5s loop, infinitely, with an alternating animation to keep things fresh. */ animation: glitch-anim 5s infinite linear alternate-reverse; } .glitch::after { content: attr(data-text); position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; left: -2px; text-shadow: -2px 0 #00fff9, 2px 2px #ff00c1; animation: glitch-anim2 1s infinite linear alternate-reverse; } /* Creates an animation with 20 steaps. For each step, it calculates a percentage for the specific step. It then generates a random clip box to be used for the random glitch effect. Also adds a very subtle skew to change the ''thickness'' of the glitch.*/ @keyframes glitch-anim { 0% { clip: rect(87px, 9999px, 77px, 0); transform: skew(0.08deg); } 5% { clip: rect(100px, 9999px, 16px, 0); transform: skew(0.42deg); } 10% { clip: rect(48px, 9999px, 57px, 0); transform: skew(0.41deg); } 15% { clip: rect(77px, 9999px, 94px, 0); transform: skew(0.3deg); } 20% { clip: rect(62px, 9999px, 43px, 0); transform: skew(0.41deg); } 25% { clip: rect(55px, 9999px, 73px, 0); transform: skew(0.19deg); } 30% { clip: rect(30px, 9999px, 95px, 0); transform: skew(0.42deg); } 35% { clip: rect(64px, 9999px, 49px, 0); transform: skew(0.67deg); } 40% { clip: rect(16px, 9999px, 3px, 0); transform: skew(0.91deg); } 45% { clip: rect(77px, 9999px, 96px, 0); transform: skew(0.33deg); } 50% { clip: rect(84px, 9999px, 42px, 0); transform: skew(0.6deg); } 55% { clip: rect(35px, 9999px, 63px, 0); transform: skew(0.07deg); } 60% { clip: rect(34px, 9999px, 27px, 0); transform: skew(0.1deg); } 65% { clip: rect(74px, 9999px, 56px, 0); transform: skew(0.37deg); } 70% { clip: rect(11px, 9999px, 28px, 0); transform: skew(0.16deg); } 75% { clip: rect(49px, 9999px, 63px, 0); transform: skew(0.02deg); } 80% { clip: rect(92px, 9999px, 32px, 0); transform: skew(0.83deg); } 85% { clip: rect(31px, 9999px, 55px, 0); transform: skew(0.77deg); } 90% { clip: rect(85px, 9999px, 13px, 0); transform: skew(0.23deg); } 95% { clip: rect(1px, 9999px, 85px, 0); transform: skew(0.72deg); } 100% { clip: rect(25px, 9999px, 66px, 0); transform: skew(0.71deg); } } @keyframes glitch-anim2 { 0% { clip: rect(33px, 9999px, 60px, 0); transform: skew(0.12deg); } 5% { clip: rect(24px, 9999px, 23px, 0); transform: skew(0.01deg); } 10% { clip: rect(35px, 9999px, 3px, 0); transform: skew(0.36deg); } 15% { clip: rect(3px, 9999px, 77px, 0); transform: skew(0.33deg); } 20% { clip: rect(65px, 9999px, 64px, 0); transform: skew(0.34deg); } 25% { clip: rect(68px, 9999px, 36px, 0); transform: skew(0.28deg); } 30% { clip: rect(56px, 9999px, 64px, 0); transform: skew(0.05deg); } 35% { clip: rect(97px, 9999px, 94px, 0); transform: skew(0.22deg); } 40% { clip: rect(4px, 9999px, 78px, 0); transform: skew(0.85deg); } 45% { clip: rect(46px, 9999px, 7px, 0); transform: skew(0.14deg); } 50% { clip: rect(71px, 9999px, 55px, 0); transform: skew(0.87deg); } 55% { clip: rect(63px, 9999px, 68px, 0); transform: skew(0.47deg); } 60% { clip: rect(16px, 9999px, 36px, 0); transform: skew(0.68deg); } 65% { clip: rect(63px, 9999px, 89px, 0); transform: skew(0.59deg); } 70% { clip: rect(41px, 9999px, 13px, 0); transform: skew(0.86deg); } 75% { clip: rect(100px, 9999px, 38px, 0); transform: skew(0.6deg); } 80% { clip: rect(45px, 9999px, 6px, 0); transform: skew(0.65deg); } 85% { clip: rect(3px, 9999px, 100px, 0); transform: skew(0.42deg); } 90% { clip: rect(64px, 9999px, 15px, 0); transform: skew(0.39deg); } 95% { clip: rect(37px, 9999px, 35px, 0); transform: skew(0.11deg); } 100% { clip: rect(32px, 9999px, 37px, 0); transform: skew(0.47deg); } } @keyframes glitch-skew { 0% { transform: skew(3deg); } 10% { transform: skew(-2deg); } 20% { transform: skew(3deg); } 30% { transform: skew(2deg); } 40% { transform: skew(-2deg); } 50% { transform: skew(-2deg); } 60% { transform: skew(-1deg); } 70% { transform: skew(4deg); } 80% { transform: skew(-1deg); } 90% { transform: skew(2deg); } 100% { transform: skew(0deg); } } 	 </style> <div id="app"> <div id="wrapper"> <h1 class="glitch" data-text="HACKED BY RegiGans">HACKED BY RegiGans</h1><br><br> <font color="white" size="4"> <h1>[+] PURWOKERTO XPLOIT [+]<br></h1></font><br><br><br> <font color="white" size="4"> <h1><\> SEOBARBAR TEAM VS EVERYBODY <\><br></h1></font><br> <h1><br><font size="6" color="white">Thanks To :</font><br><marquee behavior="alternate" width="50%" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()"><br>
<font color="white">GANEST SEVEN - CIREBON BLACKHAT - THE KING - SAITAMA CREW XPLOIT</marquee> </font><br><font size="6" color="dark" face="Iceland">Jawa Tengah <font size="6" color="white" face="Iceland">Hacktivist</font></font>
<audio autoplay="autoplay" controls="controls" src="" type="audio/mpeg"></audio><br>

Execution traces

Generated HTML code

<html lang="en"><head> <link rel="icon" type="image/jpg" href=""> <meta property="og:image" content=""> <meta name="description" content="Aku Vs Pacarmu"> <meta name="" keywords''="" content="" alf404''=""> <meta name="" author''="" content="" alf404''=""> <title>Hacked By RegiGans01</title> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body bgcolor="black"> <style type="text/css"> html, body, h1 { padding: 0; margin: 0; font-family: ''Montserrat'', sans-serif; } #app { background: #0a0a0a; height: 100vh; width: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background: linear-gradient(rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.6), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)), repeating-linear-gradient(0, transparent, transparent 2px, black 3px, black 3px), url(""); background-size: cover; background-position: center; z-index: 1; } #wrapper { text-align: center; } .sub { color: #64dcdc; letter-spacing: 1em; } /* Our mixin positions a copy of our text directly on our existing text, while also setting content to the appropriate text set in the data-text attribute. */ .glitch { position: relative; color: white; font-size: 3em; letter-spacing: .5em; /* Animation provies a slight random skew. Check bottom of doc for more information on how to random skew. */ animation: glitch-skew 1s infinite linear alternate-reverse; } .glitch::before { content: attr(data-text); position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; left: 2px; text-shadow: -2px 0 #ff00c1; /* Creates an initial clip for our glitch. This works in a typical top,right,bottom,left fashion and creates a mask to only show a certain part of the glitch at a time. */ clip: rect(44px, 450px, 56px, 0); /* Runs our glitch-anim defined below to run in a 5s loop, infinitely, with an alternating animation to keep things fresh. */ animation: glitch-anim 5s infinite linear alternate-reverse; } .glitch::after { content: attr(data-text); position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; left: -2px; text-shadow: -2px 0 #00fff9, 2px 2px #ff00c1; animation: glitch-anim2 1s infinite linear alternate-reverse; } /* Creates an animation with 20 steaps. For each step, it calculates a percentage for the specific step. It then generates a random clip box to be used for the random glitch effect. Also adds a very subtle skew to change the ''thickness'' of the glitch.*/ @keyframes glitch-anim { 0% { clip: rect(87px, 9999px, 77px, 0); transform: skew(0.08deg); } 5% { clip: rect(100px, 9999px, 16px, 0); transform: skew(0.42deg); } 10% { clip: rect(48px, 9999px, 57px, 0); transform: skew(0.41deg); } 15% { clip: rect(77px, 9999px, 94px, 0); transform: skew(0.3deg); } 20% { clip: rect(62px, 9999px, 43px, 0); transform: skew(0.41deg); } 25% { clip: rect(55px, 9999px, 73px, 0); transform: skew(0.19deg); } 30% { clip: rect(30px, 9999px, 95px, 0); transform: skew(0.42deg); } 35% { clip: rect(64px, 9999px, 49px, 0); transform: skew(0.67deg); } 40% { clip: rect(16px, 9999px, 3px, 0); transform: skew(0.91deg); } 45% { clip: rect(77px, 9999px, 96px, 0); transform: skew(0.33deg); } 50% { clip: rect(84px, 9999px, 42px, 0); transform: skew(0.6deg); } 55% { clip: rect(35px, 9999px, 63px, 0); transform: skew(0.07deg); } 60% { clip: rect(34px, 9999px, 27px, 0); transform: skew(0.1deg); } 65% { clip: rect(74px, 9999px, 56px, 0); transform: skew(0.37deg); } 70% { clip: rect(11px, 9999px, 28px, 0); transform: skew(0.16deg); } 75% { clip: rect(49px, 9999px, 63px, 0); transform: skew(0.02deg); } 80% { clip: rect(92px, 9999px, 32px, 0); transform: skew(0.83deg); } 85% { clip: rect(31px, 9999px, 55px, 0); transform: skew(0.77deg); } 90% { clip: rect(85px, 9999px, 13px, 0); transform: skew(0.23deg); } 95% { clip: rect(1px, 9999px, 85px, 0); transform: skew(0.72deg); } 100% { clip: rect(25px, 9999px, 66px, 0); transform: skew(0.71deg); } } @keyframes glitch-anim2 { 0% { clip: rect(33px, 9999px, 60px, 0); transform: skew(0.12deg); } 5% { clip: rect(24px, 9999px, 23px, 0); transform: skew(0.01deg); } 10% { clip: rect(35px, 9999px, 3px, 0); transform: skew(0.36deg); } 15% { clip: rect(3px, 9999px, 77px, 0); transform: skew(0.33deg); } 20% { clip: rect(65px, 9999px, 64px, 0); transform: skew(0.34deg); } 25% { clip: rect(68px, 9999px, 36px, 0); transform: skew(0.28deg); } 30% { clip: rect(56px, 9999px, 64px, 0); transform: skew(0.05deg); } 35% { clip: rect(97px, 9999px, 94px, 0); transform: skew(0.22deg); } 40% { clip: rect(4px, 9999px, 78px, 0); transform: skew(0.85deg); } 45% { clip: rect(46px, 9999px, 7px, 0); transform: skew(0.14deg); } 50% { clip: rect(71px, 9999px, 55px, 0); transform: skew(0.87deg); } 55% { clip: rect(63px, 9999px, 68px, 0); transform: skew(0.47deg); } 60% { clip: rect(16px, 9999px, 36px, 0); transform: skew(0.68deg); } 65% { clip: rect(63px, 9999px, 89px, 0); transform: skew(0.59deg); } 70% { clip: rect(41px, 9999px, 13px, 0); transform: skew(0.86deg); } 75% { clip: rect(100px, 9999px, 38px, 0); transform: skew(0.6deg); } 80% { clip: rect(45px, 9999px, 6px, 0); transform: skew(0.65deg); } 85% { clip: rect(3px, 9999px, 100px, 0); transform: skew(0.42deg); } 90% { clip: rect(64px, 9999px, 15px, 0); transform: skew(0.39deg); } 95% { clip: rect(37px, 9999px, 35px, 0); transform: skew(0.11deg); } 100% { clip: rect(32px, 9999px, 37px, 0); transform: skew(0.47deg); } } @keyframes glitch-skew { 0% { transform: skew(3deg); } 10% { transform: skew(-2deg); } 20% { transform: skew(3deg); } 30% { transform: skew(2deg); } 40% { transform: skew(-2deg); } 50% { transform: skew(-2deg); } 60% { transform: skew(-1deg); } 70% { transform: skew(4deg); } 80% { transform: skew(-1deg); } 90% { transform: skew(2deg); } 100% { transform: skew(0deg); } } 	 </style> <div id="app"> <div id="wrapper"> <h1 class="glitch" data-text="HACKED BY RegiGans">HACKED BY RegiGans</h1><br><br> <font color="white" size="4"> <h1>[+] PURWOKERTO XPLOIT [+]<br></h1></font><br><br><br> <font color="white" size="4"> <h1>&lt;\&gt; SEOBARBAR TEAM VS EVERYBODY &lt;\&gt;<br></h1></font><br> <h1><br><font size="6" color="white">Thanks To :</font><br><marquee behavior="alternate" width="50%" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()"><br>
<font color="white">GANEST SEVEN - CIREBON BLACKHAT - THE KING - SAITAMA CREW XPLOIT</font></marquee> <br><font size="6" color="dark" face="Iceland">Jawa Tengah <font size="6" color="white" face="Iceland">Hacktivist</font></font>
<audio autoplay="autoplay" controls="controls" src="" type="audio/mpeg"></audio><br>

Original PHP code

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <link rel="icon" type="image/jpg" href="" /> <meta property="og:image" content="" /> <meta name="description" content="Aku Vs Pacarmu" /> <meta name='' keywords'' content='' Alf404'' /> <meta name='' author'' content='' Alf404'' /> <title>Hacked By RegiGans01</title> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body bgcolor="black"> <style type="text/css"> html, body, h1 { padding: 0; margin: 0; font-family: ''Montserrat'', sans-serif; } #app { background: #0a0a0a; height: 100vh; width: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background: linear-gradient(rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.6), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)), repeating-linear-gradient(0, transparent, transparent 2px, black 3px, black 3px), url(""); background-size: cover; background-position: center; z-index: 1; } #wrapper { text-align: center; } .sub { color: #64dcdc; letter-spacing: 1em; } /* Our mixin positions a copy of our text directly on our existing text, while also setting content to the appropriate text set in the data-text attribute. */ .glitch { position: relative; color: white; font-size: 3em; letter-spacing: .5em; /* Animation provies a slight random skew. Check bottom of doc for more information on how to random skew. */ animation: glitch-skew 1s infinite linear alternate-reverse; } .glitch::before { content: attr(data-text); position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; left: 2px; text-shadow: -2px 0 #ff00c1; /* Creates an initial clip for our glitch. This works in a typical top,right,bottom,left fashion and creates a mask to only show a certain part of the glitch at a time. */ clip: rect(44px, 450px, 56px, 0); /* Runs our glitch-anim defined below to run in a 5s loop, infinitely, with an alternating animation to keep things fresh. */ animation: glitch-anim 5s infinite linear alternate-reverse; } .glitch::after { content: attr(data-text); position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; left: -2px; text-shadow: -2px 0 #00fff9, 2px 2px #ff00c1; animation: glitch-anim2 1s infinite linear alternate-reverse; } /* Creates an animation with 20 steaps. For each step, it calculates a percentage for the specific step. It then generates a random clip box to be used for the random glitch effect. Also adds a very subtle skew to change the ''thickness'' of the glitch.*/ @keyframes glitch-anim { 0% { clip: rect(87px, 9999px, 77px, 0); transform: skew(0.08deg); } 5% { clip: rect(100px, 9999px, 16px, 0); transform: skew(0.42deg); } 10% { clip: rect(48px, 9999px, 57px, 0); transform: skew(0.41deg); } 15% { clip: rect(77px, 9999px, 94px, 0); transform: skew(0.3deg); } 20% { clip: rect(62px, 9999px, 43px, 0); transform: skew(0.41deg); } 25% { clip: rect(55px, 9999px, 73px, 0); transform: skew(0.19deg); } 30% { clip: rect(30px, 9999px, 95px, 0); transform: skew(0.42deg); } 35% { clip: rect(64px, 9999px, 49px, 0); transform: skew(0.67deg); } 40% { clip: rect(16px, 9999px, 3px, 0); transform: skew(0.91deg); } 45% { clip: rect(77px, 9999px, 96px, 0); transform: skew(0.33deg); } 50% { clip: rect(84px, 9999px, 42px, 0); transform: skew(0.6deg); } 55% { clip: rect(35px, 9999px, 63px, 0); transform: skew(0.07deg); } 60% { clip: rect(34px, 9999px, 27px, 0); transform: skew(0.1deg); } 65% { clip: rect(74px, 9999px, 56px, 0); transform: skew(0.37deg); } 70% { clip: rect(11px, 9999px, 28px, 0); transform: skew(0.16deg); } 75% { clip: rect(49px, 9999px, 63px, 0); transform: skew(0.02deg); } 80% { clip: rect(92px, 9999px, 32px, 0); transform: skew(0.83deg); } 85% { clip: rect(31px, 9999px, 55px, 0); transform: skew(0.77deg); } 90% { clip: rect(85px, 9999px, 13px, 0); transform: skew(0.23deg); } 95% { clip: rect(1px, 9999px, 85px, 0); transform: skew(0.72deg); } 100% { clip: rect(25px, 9999px, 66px, 0); transform: skew(0.71deg); } } @keyframes glitch-anim2 { 0% { clip: rect(33px, 9999px, 60px, 0); transform: skew(0.12deg); } 5% { clip: rect(24px, 9999px, 23px, 0); transform: skew(0.01deg); } 10% { clip: rect(35px, 9999px, 3px, 0); transform: skew(0.36deg); } 15% { clip: rect(3px, 9999px, 77px, 0); transform: skew(0.33deg); } 20% { clip: rect(65px, 9999px, 64px, 0); transform: skew(0.34deg); } 25% { clip: rect(68px, 9999px, 36px, 0); transform: skew(0.28deg); } 30% { clip: rect(56px, 9999px, 64px, 0); transform: skew(0.05deg); } 35% { clip: rect(97px, 9999px, 94px, 0); transform: skew(0.22deg); } 40% { clip: rect(4px, 9999px, 78px, 0); transform: skew(0.85deg); } 45% { clip: rect(46px, 9999px, 7px, 0); transform: skew(0.14deg); } 50% { clip: rect(71px, 9999px, 55px, 0); transform: skew(0.87deg); } 55% { clip: rect(63px, 9999px, 68px, 0); transform: skew(0.47deg); } 60% { clip: rect(16px, 9999px, 36px, 0); transform: skew(0.68deg); } 65% { clip: rect(63px, 9999px, 89px, 0); transform: skew(0.59deg); } 70% { clip: rect(41px, 9999px, 13px, 0); transform: skew(0.86deg); } 75% { clip: rect(100px, 9999px, 38px, 0); transform: skew(0.6deg); } 80% { clip: rect(45px, 9999px, 6px, 0); transform: skew(0.65deg); } 85% { clip: rect(3px, 9999px, 100px, 0); transform: skew(0.42deg); } 90% { clip: rect(64px, 9999px, 15px, 0); transform: skew(0.39deg); } 95% { clip: rect(37px, 9999px, 35px, 0); transform: skew(0.11deg); } 100% { clip: rect(32px, 9999px, 37px, 0); transform: skew(0.47deg); } } @keyframes glitch-skew { 0% { transform: skew(3deg); } 10% { transform: skew(-2deg); } 20% { transform: skew(3deg); } 30% { transform: skew(2deg); } 40% { transform: skew(-2deg); } 50% { transform: skew(-2deg); } 60% { transform: skew(-1deg); } 70% { transform: skew(4deg); } 80% { transform: skew(-1deg); } 90% { transform: skew(2deg); } 100% { transform: skew(0deg); } } 	 </style> <div id="app"> <div id="wrapper"> <h1 class="glitch" data-text="HACKED BY RegiGans">HACKED BY RegiGans</h1><br><br> <font color="white" size="4"> <h1>[+] PURWOKERTO XPLOIT [+]<br></h1></font><br><br><br> <font color="white" size="4"> <h1><\> SEOBARBAR TEAM VS EVERYBODY <\><br></h1></font><br> <h1><br><font size="6" color="white">Thanks To :</font><br><marquee behavior="alternate" width="50%" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()"><br>
<font color="white">GANEST SEVEN - CIREBON BLACKHAT - THE KING - SAITAMA CREW XPLOIT</marquee> </font><br><font size="6" color="dark" face="Iceland">Jawa Tengah <font size="6" color="white" face="Iceland">Hacktivist</font></font>
<audio autoplay="autoplay" controls="controls" src="" type="audio/mpeg"></audio><br>