PHP Malware Analysis


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<b> <font color = red> "Hacked By Mr. Quixter" <font color = putih>  <b> </h2> 
<font color = cyan > Katanya Cinta Itu Butuh Perjuangan, Kepercayaan, Dan Juga Kesabaran. Tapi Kok Gwa Tetep Takut Kehilangan?. Aku Selalu Berdo'a  Pada Tuhan, Semoga Aku Dan Dia Di Jodohkan. Tapi Terkadang Aku Juga Merasa Tak Pantas Memilikinya, Dia Begitu Sempurna, Tak Sepertiku Yang Begitu Buruk Rupa :'(  Rasa Syukur Ku Padamu Selalu Ku Ungkapkan Dalam Do'a Singkat Ku Setelah Kedua Salam Takhiyat Akhir Ku :-)  <br> <br> We Are Not Criminals <br> We Just Expect Justice <br>

   <b> <font color = yellow> Suport By: <br> One Hat Cyber Team <br> Black Demonstration Cyber <br> IndoGhostSec <br> Banyuwangi Cyber Darkside <br> 

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<div id="wrapper">
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<div id="console">
<p id="message">
<font color="#009900"> Please Wait . . . </font> <br> 

<font color="#009900"> Trying connect to Server . . .</font><br> 
<font color="#F00000"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter</font> Connected ! </font><br> 
<font color="#F00000"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#F00000"></font></font> Find Yourself A Better Protection Differently Next Time I Distribute Sensitive Information With The Seat On Your Site . . . </font><br> 
<font color="#00FFFF""><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#FFF000"></font></font> The Site Has Been Defaced . . !</font><br> 
<font color="#009900"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#F00000"></font></font> Sorry Admin, Your Protection Is Hacked . . .</font><br> 
<font color="#F00000"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter</font> Is The Owner Now . . .</font><br> 
<font color="#009900"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#F00000"></font></font> Your Security Is Very Very Low . . . </font><br>
<font color="#FF00FF"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#F00000"></font></font> Sorry My Bro . . .</font><br> 
<font color="#009900"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#F00000"></font></font> We Will Never Stop Hacking . . . </font><br> 
<font color="#F5A9E1"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#F00000"></font></font> It's Not a game . . .</font><br> 
<font color="#F5A9E1"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#F00000"></font></font>  It's Our Job . . . </font><br> 
<font color="#F5A9E1"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#F00000"></font></font>  Our Job Is To Improve Security Notification . . .</font><br> 
<font color="#00FFFF"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#F00000"></font></font> We love INDONESIAN Poeple . . .</font><br> 
<font color="#00FFFF"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#F00000"></font></font> We Make Love, Not Wars . . .</font><br> 
<font color="#FF00FF"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#F00000"></font></font> We Are Grey Hat Hackers . . .</font><br> 
<font color="#009900"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#F00000"></font></font> Reason: Your Security Is Up To 0% !</font><br> 

<font color="green">[+] Mr. Quixter<br> 
<font color="red">  >> Hacked By Mr. Quixter <<  </font><br>
<font color="red">  >> One Hat Cyber Team And Banyuwangi Cyber Darkside <<  </font><br>
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= new Array("|", "|", "|", "|"); return " " + ar[i.length % ar.length]; }); 

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  <div class =" spacer "> 
<img src = ""> 
</font> </==</==</==</==</== </div> 
< / div>
</body> </html> 


Execution traces

Version: 3.1.0beta2
File format: 4
TRACE START [2023-02-12 22:12:17.665135]
1	0	1	0.000245	393512
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1	3	1	0.000530	413624
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TRACE END   [2023-02-12 22:12:17.665497]

Generated HTML code

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<meta name="description" content="OHCT •• BDC">  
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<b> <font color="red"> "Hacked By Mr. Quixter" <font color="putih">  <b> </b></font></font></b></h2><b><font color="red"><font color="putih"><b> 
<font color="cyan"> Katanya Cinta Itu Butuh Perjuangan, Kepercayaan, Dan Juga Kesabaran. Tapi Kok Gwa Tetep Takut Kehilangan?. Aku Selalu Berdo'a  Pada Tuhan, Semoga Aku Dan Dia Di Jodohkan. Tapi Terkadang Aku Juga Merasa Tak Pantas Memilikinya, Dia Begitu Sempurna, Tak Sepertiku Yang Begitu Buruk Rupa :'(  Rasa Syukur Ku Padamu Selalu Ku Ungkapkan Dalam Do'a Singkat Ku Setelah Kedua Salam Takhiyat Akhir Ku :-)  <br> <br> We Are Not Criminals <br> We Just Expect Justice <br>

   <b> <font color="yellow"> Suport By: <br> One Hat Cyber Team <br> Black Demonstration Cyber <br> IndoGhostSec <br> Banyuwangi Cyber Darkside <br> 

<meta name="robots" content="index, follow"> 
<meta name="description" content="Hacked Web Site"> 
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</font></font></font></font><p id="message">
<font color="#009900"> Please Wait . . . </font> <br> 

<font color="#009900"> Trying connect to Server . . .</font><br> 
<font color="#F00000"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter</font> Connected ! </font><br> 
<font color="#F00000"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#F00000"></font></font> Find</font> |</p>
<font color="abu-abu"> <font color="putih"> <font color="putih"> <font color="putih"> <font color="hijau"> <font color="hijau "> 
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<img src=""> 
</font> <!--==</==</==</==</== </div--> 
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<b> <font color = red> "Hacked By Mr. Quixter" <font color = putih>  <b> </h2> 
<font color = cyan > Katanya Cinta Itu Butuh Perjuangan, Kepercayaan, Dan Juga Kesabaran. Tapi Kok Gwa Tetep Takut Kehilangan?. Aku Selalu Berdo'a  Pada Tuhan, Semoga Aku Dan Dia Di Jodohkan. Tapi Terkadang Aku Juga Merasa Tak Pantas Memilikinya, Dia Begitu Sempurna, Tak Sepertiku Yang Begitu Buruk Rupa :'(  Rasa Syukur Ku Padamu Selalu Ku Ungkapkan Dalam Do'a Singkat Ku Setelah Kedua Salam Takhiyat Akhir Ku :-)  <br> <br> We Are Not Criminals <br> We Just Expect Justice <br>

   <b> <font color = yellow> Suport By: <br> One Hat Cyber Team <br> Black Demonstration Cyber <br> IndoGhostSec <br> Banyuwangi Cyber Darkside <br> 

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<p id="message">
<font color="#009900"> Please Wait . . . </font> <br> 

<font color="#009900"> Trying connect to Server . . .</font><br> 
<font color="#F00000"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter</font> Connected ! </font><br> 
<font color="#F00000"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#F00000"></font></font> Find Yourself A Better Protection Differently Next Time I Distribute Sensitive Information With The Seat On Your Site . . . </font><br> 
<font color="#00FFFF""><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#FFF000"></font></font> The Site Has Been Defaced . . !</font><br> 
<font color="#009900"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#F00000"></font></font> Sorry Admin, Your Protection Is Hacked . . .</font><br> 
<font color="#F00000"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter</font> Is The Owner Now . . .</font><br> 
<font color="#009900"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#F00000"></font></font> Your Security Is Very Very Low . . . </font><br>
<font color="#FF00FF"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#F00000"></font></font> Sorry My Bro . . .</font><br> 
<font color="#009900"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#F00000"></font></font> We Will Never Stop Hacking . . . </font><br> 
<font color="#F5A9E1"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#F00000"></font></font> It's Not a game . . .</font><br> 
<font color="#F5A9E1"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#F00000"></font></font>  It's Our Job . . . </font><br> 
<font color="#F5A9E1"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#F00000"></font></font>  Our Job Is To Improve Security Notification . . .</font><br> 
<font color="#00FFFF"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#F00000"></font></font> We love INDONESIAN Poeple . . .</font><br> 
<font color="#00FFFF"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#F00000"></font></font> We Make Love, Not Wars . . .</font><br> 
<font color="#FF00FF"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#F00000"></font></font> We Are Grey Hat Hackers . . .</font><br> 
<font color="#009900"><font color="#FFF000">Mr. Quixter<font color="#F00000"></font></font> Reason: Your Security Is Up To 0% !</font><br> 

<font color="green">[+] Mr. Quixter<br> 
<font color="red">  >> Hacked By Mr. Quixter <<  </font><br>
<font color="red">  >> One Hat Cyber Team And Banyuwangi Cyber Darkside <<  </font><br>
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