/** * PHP File Manager (2017-08-07) * https://github.com/alexantr/filemanager */// Auth with login/password (set true/false to enable/disable it)$use_auth = false;// Users: array('Username' => 'Password', 'Username2' => 'Password2', ...)$auth_users = array( 'fm_admin' => 'fm_admin',);// Enable highlight.js (https://highlightjs.org/) on view's page$use_highlightjs = true;// highlight.js style$highlightjs_style = 'vs';// Default timezone for date() and time() - http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php$default_timezone = 'Europe/Minsk'; // UTC+3// Root path for file manager$root_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];// Root url for links in file manager.Relative to $http_host. Variants: '', 'path/to/subfolder'// Will not working if $root_path will be outside of server document root$root_url = '';// Server hostname. Can set manually if wrong$http_host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];// input encoding for iconv$iconv_input_encoding = 'CP1251';// date() format for file modification date$datetime_format = 'd.m.y H:i';//--- EDIT BELOW CAREFULLY OR DO NOT EDIT AT ALL// if fm includedif (defined('FM_EMBED')) { $use_auth = false;} else { @set_time_limit(600); date_default_timezone_set($default_timezone); ini_set('default_charset', 'UTF-8'); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.6.0', '<') && function_exists('mb_internal_encoding')) { mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8'); } if (function_exists('mb_regex_encoding')) { mb_regex_encoding('UTF-8'); } session_cache_limiter(''); session_name('filemanager'); session_start();}if (empty($auth_users)) { $use_auth = false;}$is_https = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 1) || isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https';// clean and check $root_path$root_path = rtrim($root_path, '\\/');$root_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $root_path);if (!@is_dir($root_path)) { echo sprintf('

Root path "%s" not found!

', fm_enc($root_path)); exit;}// clean $root_url$root_url = fm_clean_path($root_url);// abs path for sitedefined('FM_ROOT_PATH') || define('FM_ROOT_PATH', $root_path);defined('FM_ROOT_URL') || define('FM_ROOT_URL', ($is_https ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $http_host . (!empty($root_url) ? '/' . $root_url : ''));defined('FM_SELF_URL') || define('FM_SELF_URL', ($is_https ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $http_host . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);// logoutif (isset($_GET['logout'])) { unset($_SESSION['logged']); fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL);}// Show image hereif (isset($_GET['img'])) { fm_show_image($_GET['img']);}// Authif ($use_auth) { if (isset($_SESSION['logged'], $auth_users[$_SESSION['logged']])) { // Logged } elseif (isset($_POST['fm_usr'], $_POST['fm_pwd'])) { // Logging In sleep(1); if (isset($auth_users[$_POST['fm_usr']]) && $_POST['fm_pwd'] === $auth_users[$_POST['fm_usr']]) { $_SESSION['logged'] = $_POST['fm_usr']; fm_set_msg('You are logged in'); fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p='); } else { unset($_SESSION['logged']); fm_set_msg('Wrong password', 'error'); fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL); } } else { // Form unset($_SESSION['logged']); fm_show_header(); fm_show_message(); <div class="path">
<input name="fm_usr" value="" placeholder="Username" required>
</div> fm_show_footer(); exit; }}define('FM_IS_WIN', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == '\\');// always use ?p=if (!isset($_GET['p'])) { fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=');}// get path$p = isset($_GET['p']) ? $_GET['p'] : (isset($_POST['p']) ? $_POST['p'] : '');// clean path$p = fm_clean_path($p);// instead globals varsdefine('FM_PATH', $p);define('FM_USE_AUTH', $use_auth);defined('FM_ICONV_INPUT_ENC') || define('FM_ICONV_INPUT_ENC', $iconv_input_encoding);defined('FM_USE_HIGHLIGHTJS') || define('FM_USE_HIGHLIGHTJS', $use_highlightjs);defined('FM_HIGHLIGHTJS_STYLE') || define('FM_HIGHLIGHTJS_STYLE', $highlightjs_style);defined('FM_DATETIME_FORMAT') || define('FM_DATETIME_FORMAT', $datetime_format);unset($p, $use_auth, $iconv_input_encoding, $use_highlightjs, $highlightjs_style);/*************************** ACTIONS ***************************/// Delete file / folderif (isset($_GET['del'])) { $del = $_GET['del']; $del = fm_clean_path($del); $del = str_replace('/', '', $del); if ($del != '' && $del != '..' && $del != '.') { $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } $is_dir = is_dir($path . '/' . $del); if (fm_rdelete($path . '/' . $del)) { $msg = $is_dir ? 'Folder %s deleted' : 'File %s deleted'; fm_set_msg(sprintf($msg, fm_enc($del))); } else { $msg = $is_dir ? 'Folder %s not deleted' : 'File %s not deleted'; fm_set_msg(sprintf($msg, fm_enc($del)), 'error'); } } else { fm_set_msg('Wrong file or folder name', 'error'); } fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH));}// Create folderif (isset($_GET['new'])) { $new = strip_tags($_GET['new']); // remove unwanted characters from folder name $new = fm_clean_path($new); $new = str_replace('/', '', $new); if ($new != '' && $new != '..' && $new != '.') { $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } if (fm_mkdir($path . '/' . $new, false) === true) { fm_set_msg(sprintf('Folder %s created', fm_enc($new))); } elseif (fm_mkdir($path . '/' . $new, false) === $path . '/' . $new) { fm_set_msg(sprintf('Folder %s already exists', fm_enc($new)), 'alert'); } else { fm_set_msg(sprintf('Folder %s not created', fm_enc($new)), 'error'); } } else { fm_set_msg('Wrong folder name', 'error'); } fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH));}// Copy folder / fileif (isset($_GET['copy'], $_GET['finish'])) { // from $copy = $_GET['copy']; $copy = fm_clean_path($copy); // empty path if ($copy == '') { fm_set_msg('Source path not defined', 'error'); fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } // abs path from $from = FM_ROOT_PATH . '/' . $copy; // abs path to $dest = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $dest .= '/' . FM_PATH; } $dest .= '/' . basename($from); // move? $move = isset($_GET['move']); // copy/move if ($from != $dest) { $msg_from = trim(FM_PATH . '/' . basename($from), '/'); if ($move) { $rename = fm_rename($from, $dest); if ($rename) { fm_set_msg(sprintf('Moved from %s to %s', fm_enc($copy), fm_enc($msg_from))); } elseif ($rename === null) { fm_set_msg('File or folder with this path already exists', 'alert'); } else { fm_set_msg(sprintf('Error while moving from %s to %s', fm_enc($copy), fm_enc($msg_from)), 'error'); } } else { if (fm_rcopy($from, $dest)) { fm_set_msg(sprintf('Copyied from %s to %s', fm_enc($copy), fm_enc($msg_from))); } else { fm_set_msg(sprintf('Error while copying from %s to %s', fm_enc($copy), fm_enc($msg_from)), 'error'); } } } else { fm_set_msg('Paths must be not equal', 'alert'); } fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH));}// Mass copy files/ foldersif (isset($_POST['file'], $_POST['copy_to'], $_POST['finish'])) { // from $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } // to $copy_to_path = FM_ROOT_PATH; $copy_to = fm_clean_path($_POST['copy_to']); if ($copy_to != '') { $copy_to_path .= '/' . $copy_to; } if ($path == $copy_to_path) { fm_set_msg('Paths must be not equal', 'alert'); fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } if (!is_dir($copy_to_path)) { if (!fm_mkdir($copy_to_path, true)) { fm_set_msg('Unable to create destination folder', 'error'); fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } } // move? $move = isset($_POST['move']); // copy/move $errors = 0; $files = $_POST['file']; if (is_array($files) && count($files)) { foreach ($files as $f) { if ($f != '') { // abs path from $from = $path . '/' . $f; // abs path to $dest = $copy_to_path . '/' . $f; // do if ($move) { $rename = fm_rename($from, $dest); if ($rename === false) { $errors++; } } else { if (!fm_rcopy($from, $dest)) { $errors++; } } } } if ($errors == 0) { $msg = $move ? 'Selected files and folders moved' : 'Selected files and folders copied'; fm_set_msg($msg); } else { $msg = $move ? 'Error while moving items' : 'Error while copying items'; fm_set_msg($msg, 'error'); } } else { fm_set_msg('Nothing selected', 'alert'); } fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH));}// Renameif (isset($_GET['ren'], $_GET['to'])) { // old name $old = $_GET['ren']; $old = fm_clean_path($old); $old = str_replace('/', '', $old); // new name $new = $_GET['to']; $new = fm_clean_path($new); $new = str_replace('/', '', $new); // path $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } // rename if ($old != '' && $new != '') { if (fm_rename($path . '/' . $old, $path . '/' . $new)) { fm_set_msg(sprintf('Renamed from %s to %s', fm_enc($old), fm_enc($new))); } else { fm_set_msg(sprintf('Error while renaming from %s to %s', fm_enc($old), fm_enc($new)), 'error'); } } else { fm_set_msg('Names not set', 'error'); } fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH));}// Downloadif (isset($_GET['dl'])) { $dl = $_GET['dl']; $dl = fm_clean_path($dl); $dl = str_replace('/', '', $dl); $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } if ($dl != '' && is_file($path . '/' . $dl)) { header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($path . '/' . $dl) . '"'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Connection: Keep-Alive'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($path . '/' . $dl)); readfile($path . '/' . $dl); exit; } else { fm_set_msg('File not found', 'error'); fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); }}// Uploadif (isset($_POST['upl'])) { $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } $errors = 0; $uploads = 0; $total = count($_FILES['upload']['name']); for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) { $tmp_name = $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'][$i]; if (empty($_FILES['upload']['error'][$i]) && !empty($tmp_name) && $tmp_name != 'none') { if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $path . '/' . $_FILES['upload']['name'][$i])) { $uploads++; } else { $errors++; } } } if ($errors == 0 && $uploads > 0) { fm_set_msg(sprintf('All files uploaded to %s', fm_enc($path))); } elseif ($errors == 0 && $uploads == 0) { fm_set_msg('Nothing uploaded', 'alert'); } else { fm_set_msg(sprintf('Error while uploading files. Uploaded files: %s', $uploads), 'error'); } fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH));}// Mass deletingif (isset($_POST['group'], $_POST['delete'])) { $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } $errors = 0; $files = $_POST['file']; if (is_array($files) && count($files)) { foreach ($files as $f) { if ($f != '') { $new_path = $path . '/' . $f; if (!fm_rdelete($new_path)) { $errors++; } } } if ($errors == 0) { fm_set_msg('Selected files and folder deleted'); } else { fm_set_msg('Error while deleting items', 'error'); } } else { fm_set_msg('Nothing selected', 'alert'); } fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH));}// Pack filesif (isset($_POST['group'], $_POST['zip'])) { $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } if (!class_exists('ZipArchive')) { fm_set_msg('Operations with archives are not available', 'error'); fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } $files = $_POST['file']; if (!empty($files)) { chdir($path); if (count($files) == 1) { $one_file = reset($files); $one_file = basename($one_file); $zipname = $one_file . '_' . date('ymd_His') . '.zip'; } else { $zipname = 'archive_' . date('ymd_His') . '.zip'; } $zipper = new FM_Zipper(); $res = $zipper->create($zipname, $files); if ($res) { fm_set_msg(sprintf('Archive %s created', fm_enc($zipname))); } else { fm_set_msg('Archive not created', 'error'); } } else { fm_set_msg('Nothing selected', 'alert'); } fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH));}// Unpackif (isset($_GET['unzip'])) { $unzip = $_GET['unzip']; $unzip = fm_clean_path($unzip); $unzip = str_replace('/', '', $unzip); $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } if (!class_exists('ZipArchive')) { fm_set_msg('Operations with archives are not available', 'error'); fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } if ($unzip != '' && is_file($path . '/' . $unzip)) { $zip_path = $path . '/' . $unzip; //to folder $tofolder = ''; if (isset($_GET['tofolder'])) { $tofolder = pathinfo($zip_path, PATHINFO_FILENAME); if (fm_mkdir($path . '/' . $tofolder, true)) { $path .= '/' . $tofolder; } } $zipper = new FM_Zipper(); $res = $zipper->unzip($zip_path, $path); if ($res) { fm_set_msg('Archive unpacked'); } else { fm_set_msg('Archive not unpacked', 'error'); } } else { fm_set_msg('File not found', 'error'); } fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH));}// Change Perms (not for Windows)if (isset($_POST['chmod']) && !FM_IS_WIN) { $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } $file = $_POST['chmod']; $file = fm_clean_path($file); $file = str_replace('/', '', $file); if ($file == '' || (!is_file($path . '/' . $file) && !is_dir($path . '/' . $file))) { fm_set_msg('File not found', 'error'); fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } $mode = 0; if (!empty($_POST['ur'])) { $mode |= 0400; } if (!empty($_POST['uw'])) { $mode |= 0200; } if (!empty($_POST['ux'])) { $mode |= 0100; } if (!empty($_POST['gr'])) { $mode |= 0040; } if (!empty($_POST['gw'])) { $mode |= 0020; } if (!empty($_POST['gx'])) { $mode |= 0010; } if (!empty($_POST['or'])) { $mode |= 0004; } if (!empty($_POST['ow'])) { $mode |= 0002; } if (!empty($_POST['ox'])) { $mode |= 0001; } if (@chmod($path . '/' . $file, $mode)) { fm_set_msg('Permissions changed'); } else { fm_set_msg('Permissions not changed', 'error'); } fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH));}/*************************** /ACTIONS ***************************/// get current path$path = FM_ROOT_PATH;if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH;}// check pathif (!is_dir($path)) { fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=');}// get parent folder$parent = fm_get_parent_path(FM_PATH);$objects = is_readable($path) ? scandir($path) : array();$folders = array();$files = array();if (is_array($objects)) { foreach ($objects as $file) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') { continue; } $new_path = $path . '/' . $file; if (is_file($new_path)) { $files[] = $file; } elseif (is_dir($new_path) && $file != '.' && $file != '..') { $folders[] = $file; } }}if (!empty($files)) { natcasesort($files);}if (!empty($folders)) { natcasesort($folders);}// upload formif (isset($_GET['upload'])) { fm_show_header(); // HEADER fm_show_nav_path(FM_PATH); // current path <div class="path"> <p>Uploading files</p> <p class="break-word">Destination folder: echo fm_enc(fm_convert_win(FM_ROOT_PATH . '/' . FM_PATH)) </p>

<p> <button class="btn"><i class="icon-apply"></i> Upload</button> &nbsp; <a href="?p= echo urlencode(FM_PATH) "><i class="icon-cancel"></i> Cancel</a> </p>
</div> fm_show_footer(); exit;}// copy form POSTif (isset($_POST['copy'])) { $copy_files = $_POST['file']; if (!is_array($copy_files) || empty($copy_files)) { fm_set_msg('Nothing selected', 'alert'); fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } fm_show_header(); // HEADER fm_show_nav_path(FM_PATH); // current path <div class="path"> <p>Copying</p>
foreach ($copy_files as $cf) { echo '' . PHP_EOL; } $copy_files_enc = array_map('fm_enc', $copy_files); <p class="break-word">Files: echo implode(', ', $copy_files_enc) </p> <p class="break-word">Source folder: echo fm_enc(fm_convert_win(FM_ROOT_PATH . '/' . FM_PATH))
<label for="inp_copy_to">Destination folder:</label> echo FM_ROOT_PATH /<input name="copy_to" id="inp_copy_to" value=" echo fm_enc(FM_PATH) "> </p> <p><label> Move</label></p> <p> <button class="btn"><i class="icon-apply"></i> Copy</button> &nbsp; <a href="?p= echo urlencode(FM_PATH) "><i class="icon-cancel"></i> Cancel</a> </p>
</div> fm_show_footer(); exit;}// copy formif (isset($_GET['copy']) && !isset($_GET['finish'])) { $copy = $_GET['copy']; $copy = fm_clean_path($copy); if ($copy == '' || !file_exists(FM_ROOT_PATH . '/' . $copy)) { fm_set_msg('File not found', 'error'); fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } fm_show_header(); // HEADER fm_show_nav_path(FM_PATH); // current path <div class="path"> <p>Copying</p> <p class="break-word"> Source path: echo fm_enc(fm_convert_win(FM_ROOT_PATH . '/' . $copy))
Destination folder: echo fm_enc(fm_convert_win(FM_ROOT_PATH . '/' . FM_PATH)) </p> <p> <a href="?p= echo urlencode(FM_PATH) &amp;copy= echo urlencode($copy) &amp;finish=1"><i class="icon-apply"></i> Copy</a> &nbsp; <a href="?p= echo urlencode(FM_PATH) &amp;copy= echo urlencode($copy) &amp;finish=1&amp;move=1"><i class="icon-apply"></i> Move</a> &nbsp; <a href="?p= echo urlencode(FM_PATH) "><i class="icon-cancel"></i> Cancel</a> </p> <p><i>Select folder:</i></p> <ul class="folders break-word"> if ($parent !== false) { <li><a href="?p= echo urlencode($parent) &amp;copy= echo urlencode($copy) "><i class="icon-arrow_up"></i> ..</a></li> } foreach ($folders as $f) { <li><a href="?p= echo urlencode(trim(FM_PATH . '/' . $f, '/')) &amp;copy= echo urlencode($copy) "><i class="icon-folder"></i> echo fm_enc(fm_convert_win($f)) </a></li> } </ul> </div> fm_show_footer(); exit;}// file viewerif (isset($_GET['view'])) { $file = $_GET['view']; $file = fm_clean_path($file); $file = str_replace('/', '', $file); if ($file == '' || !is_file($path . '/' . $file)) { fm_set_msg('File not found', 'error'); fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } fm_show_header(); // HEADER fm_show_nav_path(FM_PATH); // current path $file_url = FM_ROOT_URL . fm_convert_win((FM_PATH != '' ? '/' . FM_PATH : '') . '/' . $file); $file_path = $path . '/' . $file; $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($file_path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $mime_type = fm_get_mime_type($file_path); $filesize = filesize($file_path); $is_zip = false; $is_image = false; $is_audio = false; $is_video = false; $is_text = false; $view_title = 'File'; $filenames = false; // for zip $content = ''; // for text if ($ext == 'zip') { $is_zip = true; $view_title = 'Archive'; $filenames = fm_get_zif_info($file_path); } elseif (in_array($ext, fm_get_image_exts())) { $is_image = true; $view_title = 'Image'; } elseif (in_array($ext, fm_get_audio_exts())) { $is_audio = true; $view_title = 'Audio'; } elseif (in_array($ext, fm_get_video_exts())) { $is_video = true; $view_title = 'Video'; } elseif (in_array($ext, fm_get_text_exts()) || substr($mime_type, 0, 4) == 'text' || in_array($mime_type, fm_get_text_mimes())) { $is_text = true; $content = file_get_contents($file_path); } <div class="path"> <p class="break-word"> echo $view_title " echo fm_enc(fm_convert_win($file)) "</p> <p class="break-word"> Full path: echo fm_enc(fm_convert_win($file_path))
File size: echo fm_get_filesize($filesize) if ($filesize >= 1000): ( echo sprintf('%s bytes', $filesize) ) endif;
MIME-type: echo $mime_type
// ZIP info if ($is_zip && $filenames !== false) { $total_files = 0; $total_comp = 0; $total_uncomp = 0; foreach ($filenames as $fn) { if (!$fn['folder']) { $total_files++; } $total_comp += $fn['compressed_size']; $total_uncomp += $fn['filesize']; } Files in archive: echo $total_files
Total size: echo fm_get_filesize($total_uncomp)
Size in archive: echo fm_get_filesize($total_comp)
Compression: echo round(($total_comp / $total_uncomp) * 100) %
} // Image info if ($is_image) { $image_size = getimagesize($file_path); echo 'Image sizes: ' . (isset($image_size[0]) ? $image_size[0] : '0') . ' x ' . (isset($image_size[1]) ? $image_size[1] : '0') . '
'; } // Text info if ($is_text) { $is_utf8 = fm_is_utf8($content); if (function_exists('iconv')) { if (!$is_utf8) { $content = iconv(FM_ICONV_INPUT_ENC, 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $content); } } echo 'Charset: ' . ($is_utf8 ? 'utf-8' : '8 bit') . '
'; } </p> <p> <a href="?p= echo urlencode(FM_PATH) &amp;dl= echo urlencode($file) "><i class="icon-download"></i> Download</a> &nbsp; <a href=" echo fm_enc($file_url) " target="_blank"><i class="icon-chain"></i> Open</a> &nbsp; // ZIP actions if ($is_zip && $filenames !== false) { $zip_name = pathinfo($file_path, PATHINFO_FILENAME); <a href="?p= echo urlencode(FM_PATH) &amp;unzip= echo urlencode($file) "><i class="icon-apply"></i> Unpack</a> &nbsp; <a href="?p= echo urlencode(FM_PATH) &amp;unzip= echo urlencode($file) &amp;tofolder=1" title="Unpack to echo fm_enc($zip_name) "><i class="icon-apply"></i> Unpack to folder</a> &nbsp; } <a href="?p= echo urlencode(FM_PATH) "><i class="icon-goback"></i> Back</a> </p> if ($is_zip) { // ZIP content if ($filenames !== false) { echo '<code class="maxheight">'; foreach ($filenames as $fn) { if ($fn['folder']) { echo '' . fm_enc($fn['name']) . '
'; } else { echo $fn['name'] . ' (' . fm_get_filesize($fn['filesize']) . ')
'; } } echo '</code>'; } else { echo '<p>Error while fetching archive info</p>'; } } elseif ($is_image) { // Image content if (in_array($ext, array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'bmp', 'ico'))) { echo '<p><img src="' . fm_enc($file_url) . '" alt="" class="preview-img"></p>'; } } elseif ($is_audio) { // Audio content echo '<p><audio src="' . fm_enc($file_url) . '" controls preload="metadata"></audio></p>'; } elseif ($is_video) { // Video content echo '<div class="preview-video"><video src="' . fm_enc($file_url) . '" width="640" height="360" controls preload="metadata"></video></div>'; } elseif ($is_text) { if (FM_USE_HIGHLIGHTJS) { // highlight $hljs_classes = array( 'shtml' => 'xml', 'htaccess' => 'apache', 'phtml' => 'php', 'lock' => 'json', 'svg' => 'xml', ); $hljs_class = isset($hljs_classes[$ext]) ? 'lang-' . $hljs_classes[$ext] : 'lang-' . $ext; if (empty($ext) || in_array(strtolower($file), fm_get_text_names()) || preg_match('#\.min\.(css|js)$#i', $file)) { $hljs_class = 'nohighlight'; } $content = '<pre class="with-hljs"><code class="' . $hljs_class . '">' . fm_enc($content) . '</code></pre>'; } elseif (in_array($ext, array('php', 'php4', 'php5', 'phtml', 'phps'))) { // php highlight $content = highlight_string($content, true); } else { $content = '<pre>' . fm_enc($content) . '</pre>'; } echo $content; } </div> fm_show_footer(); exit;}// chmod (not for Windows)if (isset($_GET['chmod']) && !FM_IS_WIN) { $file = $_GET['chmod']; $file = fm_clean_path($file); $file = str_replace('/', '', $file); if ($file == '' || (!is_file($path . '/' . $file) && !is_dir($path . '/' . $file))) { fm_set_msg('File not found', 'error'); fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH)); } fm_show_header(); // HEADER fm_show_nav_path(FM_PATH); // current path $file_url = FM_ROOT_URL . (FM_PATH != '' ? '/' . FM_PATH : '') . '/' . $file; $file_path = $path . '/' . $file; $mode = fileperms($path . '/' . $file); <div class="path"> <p>Change Permissions</p> <p> Full path: echo fm_enc($file_path)
<table class="compact-table"> Owner Group Other <td style="text-align: right">Read <label></label> <label></label> <label></label> <td style="text-align: right">Write <label></label> <label></label> <label></label> <td style="text-align: right">Execute <label></label> <label></label> <label></label> <p> <button class="btn"><i class="icon-apply"></i> Change</button> &nbsp; <a href="?p= echo urlencode(FM_PATH) "><i class="icon-cancel"></i> Cancel</a> </p>
</div> fm_show_footer(); exit;}//--- FILEMANAGER MAINfm_show_header(); // HEADERfm_show_nav_path(FM_PATH); // current path// messagesfm_show_message();$num_files = count($files);$num_folders = count($folders);$all_files_size = 0;
<th style="width:3%"><label></label></th><th>Name</th><th style="width:10%">Size</th><th style="width:12%">Modified</th> if (!FM_IS_WIN): <th style="width:6%">Perms</th><th style="width:10%">Owner</th> endif; <th style="width:13%"></th>// link to parent folderif ($parent !== false) { <td colspan=" echo !FM_IS_WIN ? '6' : '4' "><a href="?p= echo urlencode($parent) "><i class="icon-arrow_up"></i> ..</a>}foreach ($folders as $f) { $is_link = is_link($path . '/' . $f); $img = $is_link ? 'icon-link_folder' : 'icon-folder'; $modif = date(FM_DATETIME_FORMAT, filemtime($path . '/' . $f)); $perms = substr(decoct(fileperms($path . '/' . $f)), -4); if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid') && function_exists('posix_getgrgid')) { $owner = posix_getpwuid(fileowner($path . '/' . $f)); $group = posix_getgrgid(filegroup($path . '/' . $f)); } else { $owner = array('name' => '?'); $group = array('name' => '?'); } if (!FM_IS_WIN): endif; flush();}foreach ($files as $f) { $is_link = is_link($path . '/' . $f); $img = $is_link ? 'icon-link_file' : fm_get_file_icon_class($path . '/' . $f); $modif = date(FM_DATETIME_FORMAT, filemtime($path . '/' . $f)); $filesize_raw = filesize($path . '/' . $f); $filesize = fm_get_filesize($filesize_raw); $filelink = '?p=' . urlencode(FM_PATH) . '&view=' . urlencode($f); $all_files_size += $filesize_raw; $perms = substr(decoct(fileperms($path . '/' . $f)), -4); if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid') && function_exists('posix_getgrgid')) { $owner = posix_getpwuid(fileowner($path . '/' . $f)); $group = posix_getgrgid(filegroup($path . '/' . $f)); } else { $owner = array('name' => '?'); $group = array('name' => '?'); } if (!FM_IS_WIN): endif; flush();}if (empty($folders) && empty($files)) { <td colspan=" echo !FM_IS_WIN ? '6' : '4' "><em>Folder is empty</em>} else { <td class="gray"><td class="gray" colspan=" echo !FM_IS_WIN ? '6' : '4' ">Full size: <span title=" printf('%s bytes', $all_files_size) "> echo fm_get_filesize($all_files_size) </span>,files: echo $num_files ,folders: echo $num_folders }
<label></label><div class="filename"><a href="?p= echo urlencode(trim(FM_PATH . '/' . $f, '/')) "><i class=" echo $img "></i> echo fm_enc(fm_convert_win($f)) </a> echo ($is_link ? ' &rarr; <i>' . fm_enc(readlink($path . '/' . $f)) . '</i>' : '') </div>Folder echo $modif <a title="Change Permissions" href="?p= echo urlencode(FM_PATH) &amp;chmod= echo urlencode($f) "> echo $perms </a> echo fm_enc($owner['name'] . ':' . $group['name']) <a title="Delete" href="?p= echo urlencode(FM_PATH) &amp;del= echo urlencode($f) " onclick="return confirm('Delete folder?');"><i class="icon-cross"></i></a><a title="Rename" href="#" onclick="rename(' echo fm_enc(FM_PATH) ', ' echo fm_enc($f) ');return false;"><i class="icon-rename"></i></a><a title="Copy to..." href="?p=&amp;copy= echo urlencode(trim(FM_PATH . '/' . $f, '/')) "><i class="icon-copy"></i></a><a title="Direct link" href=" echo fm_enc(FM_ROOT_URL . (FM_PATH != '' ? '/' . FM_PATH : '') . '/' . $f . '/') " target="_blank"><i class="icon-chain"></i></a>
<label></label><div class="filename"><a href=" echo fm_enc($filelink) " title="File info"><i class=" echo $img "></i> echo fm_enc(fm_convert_win($f)) </a> echo ($is_link ? ' &rarr; <i>' . fm_enc(readlink($path . '/' . $f)) . '</i>' : '') </div><span class="gray" title=" printf('%s bytes', $filesize_raw) "> echo $filesize </span> echo $modif <a title="Change Permissions" href="?p= echo urlencode(FM_PATH) &amp;chmod= echo urlencode($f) "> echo $perms </a> echo fm_enc($owner['name'] . ':' . $group['name']) <a title="Delete" href="?p= echo urlencode(FM_PATH) &amp;del= echo urlencode($f) " onclick="return confirm('Delete file?');"><i class="icon-cross"></i></a><a title="Rename" href="#" onclick="rename(' echo fm_enc(FM_PATH) ', ' echo fm_enc($f) ');return false;"><i class="icon-rename"></i></a><a title="Copy to..." href="?p= echo urlencode(FM_PATH) &amp;copy= echo urlencode(trim(FM_PATH . '/' . $f, '/')) "><i class="icon-copy"></i></a><a title="Direct link" href=" echo fm_enc(FM_ROOT_URL . (FM_PATH != '' ? '/' . FM_PATH : '') . '/' . $f) " target="_blank"><i class="icon-chain"></i></a><a title="Download" href="?p= echo urlencode(FM_PATH) &amp;dl= echo urlencode($f) "><i class="icon-download"></i></a>
<p class="path"><a href="#" onclick="select_all();return false;"><i class="icon-checkbox"></i> Select all</a> &nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="unselect_all();return false;"><i class="icon-checkbox_uncheck"></i> Unselect all</a> &nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="invert_all();return false;"><i class="icon-checkbox_invert"></i> Invert selection</a></p><p></p>
fm_show_footer();//--- END// Functions/** * Delete file or folder (recursively) * @param string $path * @return bool */function fm_rdelete($path){ if (is_link($path)) { return unlink($path); } elseif (is_dir($path)) { $objects = scandir($path); $ok = true; if (is_array($objects)) { foreach ($objects as $file) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (!fm_rdelete($path . '/' . $file)) { $ok = false; } } } } return ($ok) ? rmdir($path) : false; } elseif (is_file($path)) { return unlink($path); } return false;}/** * Recursive chmod * @param string $path * @param int $filemode * @param int $dirmode * @return bool * @todo Will use in mass chmod */function fm_rchmod($path, $filemode, $dirmode){ if (is_dir($path)) { if (!chmod($path, $dirmode)) { return false; } $objects = scandir($path); if (is_array($objects)) { foreach ($objects as $file) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (!fm_rchmod($path . '/' . $file, $filemode, $dirmode)) { return false; } } } } return true; } elseif (is_link($path)) { return true; } elseif (is_file($path)) { return chmod($path, $filemode); } return false;}/** * Safely rename * @param string $old * @param string $new * @return bool|null */function fm_rename($old, $new){ return (!file_exists($new) && file_exists($old)) ? rename($old, $new) : null;}/** * Copy file or folder (recursively). * @param string $path * @param string $dest * @param bool $upd Update files * @param bool $force Create folder with same names instead file * @return bool */function fm_rcopy($path, $dest, $upd = true, $force = true){ if (is_dir($path)) { if (!fm_mkdir($dest, $force)) { return false; } $objects = scandir($path); $ok = true; if (is_array($objects)) { foreach ($objects as $file) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (!fm_rcopy($path . '/' . $file, $dest . '/' . $file)) { $ok = false; } } } } return $ok; } elseif (is_file($path)) { return fm_copy($path, $dest, $upd); } return false;}/** * Safely create folder * @param string $dir * @param bool $force * @return bool */function fm_mkdir($dir, $force){ if (file_exists($dir)) { if (is_dir($dir)) { return $dir; } elseif (!$force) { return false; } unlink($dir); } return mkdir($dir, 0777, true);}/** * Safely copy file * @param string $f1 * @param string $f2 * @param bool $upd * @return bool */function fm_copy($f1, $f2, $upd){ $time1 = filemtime($f1); if (file_exists($f2)) { $time2 = filemtime($f2); if ($time2 >= $time1 && $upd) { return false; } } $ok = copy($f1, $f2); if ($ok) { touch($f2, $time1); } return $ok;}/** * Get mime type * @param string $file_path * @return mixed|string */function fm_get_mime_type($file_path){ if (function_exists('finfo_open')) { $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); $mime = finfo_file($finfo, $file_path); finfo_close($finfo); return $mime; } elseif (function_exists('mime_content_type')) { return mime_content_type($file_path); } elseif (!stristr(ini_get('disable_functions'), 'shell_exec')) { $file = escapeshellarg($file_path); $mime = shell_exec('file -bi ' . $file); return $mime; } else { return '--'; }}/** * HTTP Redirect * @param string $url * @param int $code */function fm_redirect($url, $code = 302){ header('Location: ' . $url, true, $code); exit;}/** * Clean path * @param string $path * @return string */function fm_clean_path($path){ $path = trim($path); $path = trim($path, '\\/'); $path = str_replace(array('../', '..\\'), '', $path); if ($path == '..') { $path = ''; } return str_replace('\\', '/', $path);}/** * Get parent path * @param string $path * @return bool|string */function fm_get_parent_path($path){ $path = fm_clean_path($path); if ($path != '') { $array = explode('/', $path); if (count($array) > 1) { $array = array_slice($array, 0, -1); return implode('/', $array); } return ''; } return false;}/** * Get nice filesize * @param int $size * @return string */function fm_get_filesize($size){ if ($size < 1000) { return sprintf('%s B', $size); } elseif (($size / 1024) < 1000) { return sprintf('%s KiB', round(($size / 1024), 2)); } elseif (($size / 1024 / 1024) < 1000) { return sprintf('%s MiB', round(($size / 1024 / 1024), 2)); } elseif (($size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) < 1000) { return sprintf('%s GiB', round(($size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024), 2)); } else { return sprintf('%s TiB', round(($size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024), 2)); }}/** * Get info about zip archive * @param string $path * @return array|bool */function fm_get_zif_info($path){ if (function_exists('zip_open')) { $arch = zip_open($path); if ($arch) { $filenames = array(); while ($zip_entry = zip_read($arch)) { $zip_name = zip_entry_name($zip_entry); $zip_folder = substr($zip_name, -1) == '/'; $filenames[] = array( 'name' => $zip_name, 'filesize' => zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry), 'compressed_size' => zip_entry_compressedsize($zip_entry), 'folder' => $zip_folder //'compression_method' => zip_entry_compressionmethod($zip_entry), ); } zip_close($arch); return $filenames; } } return false;}/** * Encode html entities * @param string $text * @return string */function fm_enc($text){ return htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');}/** * Save message in session * @param string $msg * @param string $status */function fm_set_msg($msg, $status = 'ok'){ $_SESSION['message'] = $msg; $_SESSION['status'] = $status;}/** * Check if string is in UTF-8 * @param string $string * @return int */function fm_is_utf8($string){ return preg_match('//u', $string);}/** * Convert file name to UTF-8 in Windows * @param string $filename * @return string */function fm_convert_win($filename){ if (FM_IS_WIN && function_exists('iconv')) { $filename = iconv(FM_ICONV_INPUT_ENC, 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $filename); } return $filename;}/** * Get CSS classname for file * @param string $path * @return string */function fm_get_file_icon_class($path){ // get extension $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); switch ($ext) { case 'ico': case 'gif': case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': case 'jpc': case 'jp2': case 'jpx': case 'xbm': case 'wbmp': case 'png': case 'bmp': case 'tif': case 'tiff': $img = 'icon-file_image'; break; case 'txt': case 'css': case 'ini': case 'conf': case 'log': case 'htaccess': case 'passwd': case 'ftpquota': case 'sql': case 'js': case 'json': case 'sh': case 'config': case 'twig': case 'tpl': case 'md': case 'gitignore': case 'less': case 'sass': case 'scss': case 'c': case 'cpp': case 'cs': case 'py': case 'map': case 'lock': case 'dtd': $img = 'icon-file_text'; break; case 'zip': case 'rar': case 'gz': case 'tar': case '7z': $img = 'icon-file_zip'; break; case 'php': case 'php4': case 'php5': case 'phps': case 'phtml': $img = 'icon-file_php'; break; case 'htm': case 'html': case 'shtml': case 'xhtml': $img = 'icon-file_html'; break; case 'xml': case 'xsl': case 'svg': $img = 'icon-file_code'; break; case 'wav': case 'mp3': case 'mp2': case 'm4a': case 'aac': case 'ogg': case 'oga': case 'wma': case 'mka': case 'flac': case 'ac3': case 'tds': $img = 'icon-file_music'; break; case 'm3u': case 'm3u8': case 'pls': case 'cue': $img = 'icon-file_playlist'; break; case 'avi': case 'mpg': case 'mpeg': case 'mp4': case 'm4v': case 'flv': case 'f4v': case 'ogm': case 'ogv': case 'mov': case 'mkv': case '3gp': case 'asf': case 'wmv': $img = 'icon-file_film'; break; case 'eml': case 'msg': $img = 'icon-file_outlook'; break; case 'xls': case 'xlsx': $img = 'icon-file_excel'; break; case 'csv': $img = 'icon-file_csv'; break; case 'doc': case 'docx': $img = 'icon-file_word'; break; case 'ppt': case 'pptx': $img = 'icon-file_powerpoint'; break; case 'ttf': case 'ttc': case 'otf': case 'woff':case 'woff2': case 'eot': case 'fon': $img = 'icon-file_font'; break; case 'pdf': $img = 'icon-file_pdf'; break; case 'psd': $img = 'icon-file_photoshop'; break; case 'ai': case 'eps': $img = 'icon-file_illustrator'; break; case 'fla': $img = 'icon-file_flash'; break; case 'swf': $img = 'icon-file_swf'; break; case 'exe': case 'msi': $img = 'icon-file_application'; break; case 'bat': $img = 'icon-file_terminal'; break; default: $img = 'icon-document'; } return $img;}/** * Get image files extensions * @return array */function fm_get_image_exts(){ return array('ico', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'jpc', 'jp2', 'jpx', 'xbm', 'wbmp', 'png', 'bmp', 'tif', 'tiff', 'psd');}/** * Get video files extensions * @return array */function fm_get_video_exts(){ return array('webm', 'mp4', 'm4v', 'ogm', 'ogv', 'mov');}/** * Get audio files extensions * @return array */function fm_get_audio_exts(){ return array('wav', 'mp3', 'ogg', 'm4a');}/** * Get text file extensions * @return array */function fm_get_text_exts(){ return array( 'txt', 'css', 'ini', 'conf', 'log', 'htaccess', 'passwd', 'ftpquota', 'sql', 'js', 'json', 'sh', 'config', 'php', 'php4', 'php5', 'phps', 'phtml', 'htm', 'html', 'shtml', 'xhtml', 'xml', 'xsl', 'm3u', 'm3u8', 'pls', 'cue', 'eml', 'msg', 'csv', 'bat', 'twig', 'tpl', 'md', 'gitignore', 'less', 'sass', 'scss', 'c', 'cpp', 'cs', 'py', 'map', 'lock', 'dtd', 'svg', );}/** * Get mime types of text files * @return array */function fm_get_text_mimes(){ return array( 'application/xml', 'application/javascript', 'application/x-javascript', 'image/svg+xml', 'message/rfc822', );}/** * Get file names of text files w/o extensions * @return array */function fm_get_text_names(){ return array( 'license', 'readme', 'authors', 'contributors', 'changelog', );}/** * Class to work with zip files (using ZipArchive) */class FM_Zipper{ private $zip; public function __construct() { $this->zip = new ZipArchive(); } /** * Create archive with name $filename and files $files (RELATIVE PATHS!) * @param string $filename * @param array|string $files * @return bool */ public function create($filename, $files) { $res = $this->zip->open($filename, ZipArchive::CREATE); if ($res !== true) { return false; } if (is_array($files)) { foreach ($files as $f) { if (!$this->addFileOrDir($f)) { $this->zip->close(); return false; } } $this->zip->close(); return true; } else { if ($this->addFileOrDir($files)) { $this->zip->close(); return true; } return false; } } /** * Extract archive $filename to folder $path (RELATIVE OR ABSOLUTE PATHS) * @param string $filename * @param string $path * @return bool */ public function unzip($filename, $path) { $res = $this->zip->open($filename); if ($res !== true) { return false; } if ($this->zip->extractTo($path)) { $this->zip->close(); return true; } return false; } /** * Add file/folder to archive * @param string $filename * @return bool */ private function addFileOrDir($filename) { if (is_file($filename)) { return $this->zip->addFile($filename); } elseif (is_dir($filename)) { return $this->addDir($filename); } return false; } /** * Add folder recursively * @param string $path * @return bool */ private function addDir($path) { if (!$this->zip->addEmptyDir($path)) { return false; } $objects = scandir($path); if (is_array($objects)) { foreach ($objects as $file) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (is_dir($path . '/' . $file)) { if (!$this->addDir($path . '/' . $file)) { return false; } } elseif (is_file($path . '/' . $file)) { if (!$this->zip->addFile($path . '/' . $file)) { return false; } } } } return true; } return false; }}//--- templates functions/** * Show nav block * @param string $path */function fm_show_nav_path($path){ <div class="path"><div class="float-right"><a title="Upload files" href="?p= echo urlencode(FM_PATH) &amp;upload"><i class="icon-upload"></i></a><a title="New folder" href="#" onclick="newfolder(' echo fm_enc(FM_PATH) ');return false;"><i class="icon-folder_add"></i></a> if (FM_USE_AUTH): <a title="Logout" href="?logout=1"><i class="icon-logout"></i></a> endif; </div> $path = fm_clean_path($path); $root_url = "<a href='?p='><i class='icon-home' title='" . FM_ROOT_PATH . "'></i></a>"; $sep = '<i class="icon-separator"></i>'; if ($path != '') { $exploded = explode('/', $path); $count = count($exploded); $array = array(); $parent = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $parent = trim($parent . '/' . $exploded[$i], '/'); $parent_enc = urlencode($parent); $array[] = "<a href='?p={$parent_enc}'>" . fm_enc(fm_convert_win($exploded[$i])) . "</a>"; } $root_url .= $sep . implode($sep, $array); } echo '<div class="break-word">' . $root_url . '</div>'; </div>}/** * Show message from session */function fm_show_message(){ if (isset($_SESSION['message'])) { $class = isset($_SESSION['status']) ? $_SESSION['status'] : 'ok'; echo '<p class="message ' . $class . '">' . $_SESSION['message'] . '</p>'; unset($_SESSION['message']); unset($_SESSION['status']); }}/** * Show page header */function fm_show_header(){ $sprites_ver = '20160315'; header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); <!DOCTYPE html><meta charset="utf-8">PHP File Manager<title>PHP File Manager</title><style>html,body,div,span,p,pre,a,code,em,img,small,strong,ol,ul,li,form,label,table,tr,th,td{margin:0;padding:0;vertical-align:baseline;outline:none;font-size:100%;background:transparent;border:none;text-decoration:none}html{overflow-y:scroll}body{padding:0;font:13px/16px Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:#222;background:#efefef}input,select,textarea,button{font-size:inherit;font-family:inherit}a{color:#296ea3;text-decoration:none}a:hover{color:#b00}img{vertical-align:middle;border:none}a 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